SuperJet Freestyle must have Mods?


Ride It Like Ya Stole IT!
Toronto, Canada
Saw a couple threads re this but I wanna ask again.

Just bought 07 SJ. Already has Worx intake/Solas Impellar/Factory B Limited with carb jetting/Tach-hour meter.

I'm just a rec freestyler who wants to get better - had 89 Kawi 650sx. I was thinking dual bildges/ride plate/maybe shorten my stock steering plate and adding 0' bars/Foot holds and Mat(type?) as well as double exhaust as tail stand tricks are easy/cool.

I'm not really into engine mods for fear of reliability - and scupper installs scare and concern me as I leave ski in water over night odd time.

Thanks for the help..


New York Crew
Western New York
I'm just a rec freestyler who wants to get better - had 89 Kawi 650sx. I was thinking dual bildges/ride plate/maybe shorten my stock steering plate and adding 0' bars/Foot holds and Mat(type?) as well as double exhaust as tail stand tricks are easy/cool.

sounds like a good plan.

besides, with the pipe you already have one of the best mods you need. You can always shave the head, or get an after market ADA head with 35cc domes (185 psi) to help hit a little harder without loosing reliability.

mat type - you can by the Hydro-Turf B-stock (gray) for like $25 a sheet... cut it to fit your needs.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
if you wanna follow my build I also have the 07 superjet and have the same concerns you have. I am a psyco about reliability and researching products to find the best bang for my buck at the current moment.

Even if you dont go big-bore stroker engine with aftermarket carbs and ignition... be prepared to spend if you want the cool stuff! :dead1:

Aftermarket hood kit, mds enhancer, girdled head, reinforcing, footholds, scupper, etc, etc... it all adds up quick...

Get a scupper...
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yes the ada head with the 35cc domes(185comp) will help out
as for the scupper id do takes water out faster than any bilge would pump while riding tho if you leave it sit just get a plug that will tighten up in the 2 in pvc
Saw a couple threads re this but I wanna ask again.

Just bought 07 SJ. Already has Worx intake/Solas Impellar/Factory B Limited with carb jetting/Tach-hour meter.

I'm just a rec freestyler who wants to get better - had 89 Kawi 650sx. I was thinking dual bildges/ride plate/maybe shorten my stock steering plate and adding 0' bars/Foot holds and Mat(type?) as well as double exhaust as tail stand tricks are easy/cool.

I'm not really into engine mods for fear of reliability - and scupper installs scare and concern me as I leave ski in water over night odd time.

Thanks for the help..

yyou have a GREAT start....

next things to add:

FOOTHOLDS and hydroturf

shorten pole/steering and add 0 degree bars...(i'd go with the full -4 Xmetal setup)

ada head with 35's

then call it a day and practice!

once you shorten the pole it will turn your ski into an entirely different beast


Ride It Like Ya Stole IT!
Toronto, Canada
Shortening the stock Pole....

yyou have a GREAT start....

next things to add:

FOOTHOLDS and hydroturf
shorten pole/steering and add 0 degree bars...(i'd go with the full -4 Xmetal setup)

ada head with 35's
then call it a day and practice!

How hard is it to shorten the pole?...I've seen a couple pics on net but - I thought maybe just modifing the stock steering plate and running staright bars might give me the -3-4"'s I'd be looking for?



Creative RE Purchasing
Seal up your ski very well if you leave it in the water that much.

Take some 5200 and seal up the exhaust flange. Take out ride plate bolts, intake grate bolts, and pump bolts and squirt some silicone from a caulking gun up in the holes, then use silicone on the bolts when re installing them.

Also 5200 the tubes coming out into the pump area.

Then you could also try to seal the tiny gap where the top deck and bottom deck come together. Some times there are voids where the factory glue didn't spread properly.

Although everybody should do this, I would more inclined to do it to my boat if I left in the water over night.
shortening the pole is easy as well...

there's a detailed thread on this site with pix..just search it out

just changikng the steering plate wont cut need to get at least -3--4"

I run -7.5 and LOVE IT


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
That is not a "must have mod" by any means...

I agree that a scupper is not a must have mod .Basically a hole in your boat that will FILL your boat with water if you lose power .

I would recommend a Skat Swirl impeller and MSD to start and than AN ADA head .

Getting your pump hooked up is a must because it doesn't matter how much Brap you got if you got no traction .

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Speak up ,don't kiss azz
i take it you've had a bad experience with a junk

I never have but my friends have and that's why I don't have a scupper .

I would put one in If I was doing footholds although it wouldnt be anywhere near the top of important mods .
It would be at the bottom of the list after you have everything else .

I run 3 bilges instead which has it's pro's and con's also like if your switch or battery dies .


ISJWTA Member #1
I run 3 bilges instead which has it's pro's and con's also like if your switch or battery dies .

switches & me evidently don't get i'd like to have an electric bilge for backup incase i really flood it, or if it gets so much water in it it's not safe to run to move the water out...but for some reason i get all the messed up switches....bad luck i guess


JM781 Big Bore
switches & me evidently don't get i'd like to have an electric bilge for backup incase i really flood it, or if it gets so much water in it it's not safe to run to move the water out...but for some reason i get all the messed up switches....bad luck i guess

I know where you can get a really nice switch. :sneaky:


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
If you buy the Blowsion rotary switch ,others carry it as well .it is the best switch I have ever used .it's been on my ski for 2 yrs and I ONLY ride saltwater and it still works flawlessly .It turns left or right so you can actually have 2 devices hooked to it but only run one at a time obviously .I wired it so no matter whiuch way you turn it the bilges come on .
Highly recommended switch .
the handlebar switches are junk and toggle switches just get broken off and/or are junk

switches & me evidently don't get i'd like to have an electric bilge for backup incase i really flood it, or if it gets so much water in it it's not safe to run to move the water out...but for some reason i get all the messed up switches....bad luck i guess
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