Super Jet superjet pump shoe


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at peace
There is the XR Tech pump shoe and also the Jet Dynamics pump shoe sold by Blowsion.
I could of sworn blowsion has an aluminum one but from what I have read your better off with an oem when it comes to fit and finish. Also Im pretty sure you have to drill your own holes and tap the aluminum for the pump grate.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've never done it.
The JD shoe is said to require a lot of grinding to fit.
The XR Tech shoe is supposedly easier, but it sounds like you need to open it up from 140 to 144mm.
The OEM shoe is probably easiest to install.


Trying to get upside down
I've never done it.
The JD shoe is said to require a lot of grinding to fit.
The XR Tech shoe is supposedly easier, but it sounds like you need to open it up from 140 to 144mm.
The OEM shoe is probably easiest to install.
The JD one doesn´t even remotely fit out of the box. I probably spent 3-4 hours grinding that thing to get it AND the pump to fit. I think R&D makes/used to make one as well?
Barrie, ON
I installed a jet dynamics shoe a couple weeks ago. I didnt have to grind it or drill any holes. The only thing I had to do was clean off all the old epoxy where the old shoe was. After that it slipped right in.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
The pump shoe is machined so that it fits the hull with little or no grinding at all. They are usually 140.5-141.5mm id. while the oem shoe is 142.7mm id. All hoes are drilled and tapped when needed for easy installation. They are $79 + shipping from in the Pro Shop.


just order him a turd
has anyone changed there pump shoe without needing to? what would be the need for an aluminum shoe other than if your stocker one were to break?
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