SuperJet troubleshooting, Trying to Winterize

Hey all, long time no see.

I haven't ridden my superjet but once or twice all season, so it's been sitting for a while. The gas may be bad, but it had some stabil in it and is only a few months old. When I last rode the ski this summer it started and ran with no problems.

However, now GA has decided to get cold and I need to winterize. After fighting with the battery for a day, I got the thing charged and the engine turns over, but it doesnt seem to be getting fuel.

I poked around a little, and cant find any crimps or loose fuel lines, but when I try to prime the ski no gas is pulled through the hoses, and it feels like there is a vacuum behind the plunger, rather than that empty space being filled by gas. I've opened the tank to equalize air pressure and tried opening/closing the water seperator. (Aside: This was left open while the ski was sitting, could a problem originate from this? Such as a bug crawling into the fuel line or something?)

I'm not asking for any in-depth answers here, especially since ATM I'm doing 20 things at once and dont have time to even give the forums a good search, but if anyone has any tips/experiences to share that would be great. I'm probably just going to stick a lightbulb in the engine compartment tonight since I dont have time to even really start troubleshooting this. Mostly I make this post in the hopes that I'm just retarded and there's something simple behind it.

Sorry to be brief, and sorry if this was covered. Thanks again for any advice.

There isn't a marine store particularly close to me and I need engine fogger. I've tried AutoZone as well as a Motorcycle/Lawnmower/2-Stroke shop. I know this isnt as important as flushing the cooling system, is there an alternative I could use to coat the cylinders? Some other spray lubricant or cleaner or something that might be more common?


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
If you arent getting fuel when you prime them more than likely there is a very small hole in the tube from the primer. That is the problem i had with mine.


Time to ride
if you used stabil.....your carbs most likly need cleaning......never use stabil in a 2 stroke....just start it up once a week or if you can't have somebody else start it for 30sec.....if you think your boat will be down for a while...dump 2 stroke oil in the carbs till it smokes like crazy than let it sit.....its also good to take off the headpipe and remove the spark plugs and put a clean towel over the motor and don't latch the hood......It is easier just to start it once a week for 30 sec.....youll never have a problem with it starting ....unless your fuel is dirty than your carbs will need to cleaned:present:


JM781 Big Bore
if you used stabil.....your carbs most likly need cleaning......never use stabil in a 2 stroke....just start it up once a week or if you can't have somebody else start it for 30sec.....if you think your boat will be down for a while...dump 2 stroke oil in the carbs till it smokes like crazy than let it sit.....its also good to take off the headpipe and remove the spark plugs and put a clean towel over the motor and don't latch the hood......It is easier just to start it once a week for 30 sec.....youll never have a problem with it starting ....unless your fuel is dirty than your carbs will need to cleaned:present:

Bad advice(as far as what I have highlighted in bold above). Not using Stabil in 2 strokes can/will lead to gunked up carbs, If your engine sits for a while. I've been using it for over 30 years in all sorts of 2 strokes that sit for 6 months unused over the winter. Never had dirty carbs come Spring, and never had an issue starting the engine either.

Stabil is absolutely fine for 2 strokes.


Time to ride
so your saying its ok to let your superjet motor sit with just some stabil for 6months......ok. but when I put some work in a jetski motor, i try to keep it in as good of condition as possible.....these things aren't cheap lol Id let the lawn mower sit for 6 months but not the ski:usa2:


JM781 Big Bore
so your saying its ok to let your superjet motor sit with just some stabil for 6months......ok. but when I put some work in a jetski motor, i try to keep it in as good of condition as possible.....these things aren't cheap lol Id let the lawn mower sit for 6 months but not the ski:usa2:

No, what I did was correct you where you stated that Stabil was not to be used for 2 strokes. Adding Stabil to the gas(and insuring that some of the treated gas goes into your carbs) is just ONE of the steps in properly winterizing a ski along with fogging the cylinders, etc. etc.

It is pretty much the accepted method in the industry. Check a few websites(not forums), read a few of the manufacturers manuals, you don't have to listen to me, but you should listen to the folks that design, manufacture and service the machines for a living.

Plus your method of starting the ski once a week isn' t gonna do squat to help keep the gas fresh either, like the Stabil will.
with my ski's i drain/siffon all gas out of the tank after i fog the motor.
To fog the motor...start the ski(put some gas in the spark plug holes or use a little starterfluid/gas dir in the carbs if prob starting)once the ski is running spray wd40 or fogging oil directly in the carbs,spray the sh@t out of it.If your motor dies durring this fine if not spray for a 15-20 sec consitantly.This will generate alot of smoke.
After fogging the motor you need get antifreez in the heads manifold/pipe and waterbox.Disconnect the water outlet coming off the top of the cylinder head and flush with antifreeze.Disconnect any line needed and fill to insure antifreeze is where needed.spray down all parts and pump with wd40,disconnect the battery.
As far as having left over gas int the carbs shouldnt be a prob,Its not a bad idea to clean your carbs once a year anyway.Wy not start the riding seasone off with fresh carbs and clean microfilters.If you never had a carb clean done its prob time for one.
Rock on. Thats the kind of thing Im hoping works. Thanks Steel. Ill see if that's the problem tomorrow.
Ok, Im going to give it a shot giving it gas via the carb after lunch.

One question, tho I doubt I'm going to mess it up horribly, but about how much gas should I dump in the carbs? Ive done this once before on my old mustang, but I figure that V8 uses decidedly more gas than my SJ motor needs to get cranked.
And, as always, she's up and running. God I love Yamaha. And I have all winter to put off fixing the primer.

One more question; (<-- Maybe that should be my signature)
I know some people drain the tank, others top it off and add stabil as well as running some gas+stabil into the lines. My tank is about 2/3 or 1/2 full, and all my mixed gas is at Lanier. Hopefully without starting a big argument, would I be better serviced by mixing a little more gas, adding stabil, and topping it off? Or should I run the gas that's in there (since it already has some stabil in it/the lines), and then drain the tank? It seems to me that leaving the gas tank empty and slightly open might work well as condensation would still be able to evaporate out. My ski will be outside but covered. Is there any reason that would be a bad plan? (so long as I remember to check for bugs and debris before refilling)
Bah, that means I have to mix up like half a tank of premix. I was hoping to avoid anything involving math! :icon16: (But really that was the answer I was expecting. Thanks.)


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
Ok, Im going to give it a shot giving it gas via the carb after lunch.

One question, tho I doubt I'm going to mess it up horribly, but about how much gas should I dump in the carbs? Ive done this once before on my old mustang, but I figure that V8 uses decidedly more gas than my SJ motor needs to get cranked.

Another option to try before pouring fuel in the carb would be to remove arrestor and hold your hand over the rear carb while hitting the starter a few times.
But to answer the Q. of how much fuel ..............I would say a capful or 2 from a soda bottle should be enough to fire it off.
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