the one before last is the best sequence I have seen for a re entry..
Flash back to the '80's! A 440 re-entry complete with ghey neon wetsuit! Sux to be old :banghead:
the one before last is the best sequence I have seen for a re entry..
damn i saved them all small..oh well you get the idea
nice sequences bro! :woot:
Flash back to the '80's! A 440 re-entry complete with ghey neon wetsuit! Sux to be old :banghead:
Flash back to the '80's! A 440 re-entry complete with ghey neon wetsuit! Sux to be old :banghead:
i posted this in the pismo forum but im proud of it so ill post it again..i think it shows some prety good backside form BRAAAP!!
aww thats just sick! but wheres the landing?
whats easier to learn heelside or toeside? ive been trying both and havent found one way that seems more comftorble. the best one ive done so far was toeside, and goddanm i wish i had i pic of that! nose down and everything. havent been able to come close to that since!
I've never seen anyone do a frontside nose stab.... I don't think... Have you???