now that you mention it, I don't think I have either... maybe someone should... go for it slutty.
taylor does em frontside..
now that you mention it, I don't think I have either... maybe someone should... go for it slutty.
aww thats just sick! but wheres the landing?
whats easier to learn heelside or toeside? ive been trying both and havent found one way that seems more comftorble. the best one ive done so far was toeside, and goddanm i wish i had i pic of that! nose down and everything. havent been able to come close to that since!
i like toeside
me and five-o do stabs toeside, er, frontside i guess. i couldnt come close tryin heelside
its harder...
oh yea pole on the hood on take off helps alot..
i thought you were saying reentries..im regular footed and i nosestab to the right but roll to the left...
not for me. these last couple of times i realized you have to lean the ski over to do em. match the contour of the wave
tc does stabs to the left, regular stance???
if you stab regular foot to the right, that would be a backside air
come on sunday!
everybody talking about toe side this, heel side that was getting me confused... but that is exactly how I remember it from my jetskiing days.
frontside (toe) facing the wave - goofy, going right - standard going left
backside (heel) facing beach - goofy, going left - standard going right
backside air - regular foot right and goofy foot left
frontside air - regular foot left and goofy foot right
anyone not agree w/ that???