Surfing riding etiquette for newbies


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Will be my first time at any free ride. Also first time riding surf. Is there some etiquette or rules that I should keep in mind out there. Some of my buddies say they tend to stay down at the end of the zone to keep out of the way of the guys that are good. Any other thoughts?


This Is The Way
Staff member
One thing I always try to do is help a brother out, weather it is putting a ski on a cart or stand, pulling it on or off the beach, towing somebody in, whatever. It is always more fun when you burn all you energy riding and not dragging your ski around.


Yardsale Master
Just pay attention at all times, but have fun.. If someone is already riding a wave, go to the next one if you will interfear.. If you see someone needing help, help them, but don't put yourself in danger.. And again.. Have fun and be safe...


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Be careful riding back into shore. Waves over 4' can hide the person riding them. Tom almost got hurt one year because he was riding a wave, was at the base of the wave, and someone came over the back side of the wave. They hit the ski instead of him. Riding back to shore is not a race.

x2 on the beach carts. Throw in a hand pushing a cart up the beach if you see someone doing it by themselves. Pulling a cart by yourself is murder. A second hand pushing makes life easier.

If you don't own a beach cart, don't just grab one off the beach. Someone broke down last year and took my cart. They returned it but it was almost 30 min later. I was understanding and didn't get mad, but I was frustrated. Someone took my cart with out asking so I had to go borrow a beach cart. Ask someone at the beginning of the day if you can use their cart, and if they say yes, always return it to the exact spot you found it. People are not entitled to another person's beach cart. If that's a problem, bring your own.

As someone said about not taking someone's wave, true, but at the same time, don't hog them. It can get super busy and if you are not getting enough waves, and you can't skip every other one, go to a less busy area.
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Ride slow and take strategic lines/hits......the surf is not a race.....waves are not ramps. I try to observe the riding styles of those around me for a bit to get a better sense of what they might do next. This helps in staying out of their way and keep them out of your's.

Oh yeah......and have fun!


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
To a flatwater guy the waves most certainly are ramps, sir!

My advice is if you don't have much surf experience ride right in the middle of the zone in front of the Makai. That way the rest of us who suck have more room on the edges.
Be respectful. Out west everyone is extremely respectful and always make sure they aren't stealing your waves. I have had it quite a few times in Daytona where the wave was clearly mine and somebody came hauling ass right in front of me and screwed me over.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
The #1 etiquette rule while getting your surf cherry busted.... first drinks are on you.

But to follow up/expand (it is all common sense). Just pay attention to your surroundings. If you see a guy that likes to slash waves/surf ride, give him proper room to keep his lines . If you see an aerialst leave the back side of the wave clear.
It helps to ride the same general area each so you get to know what a rider's habits are (and who to stay away from).

Have fun, help other riders. If someone is down check to see if they are OK then go after the ski.
The surf can be the best thing ever or get you hurt quick.

1. Never turn your back on the surf. If you are new to the ocean it will kick your butt and you may get hurt or hurt someone else.
2. Always be aware of the other riders
3. Dont let go of your ski.
4. Help out everyone, Remember that jackass with the broken down ski in Your way that needs your beach cart may be the guy that has a Prime rib cooking.
5. Keep the Beach clean. Dont be one of those dickweeds that say "They pay people to pick up that stuff". Pack it in Pack it out !!!
6. Try to get some sleep, plenty of water, and have fun. Be safe and always treat other riders like family.

A couple of pennys from me this morning. I hope to make the daytona trip next year. Pismo Spring Freeride is coming. Have a great trip guys and post pics
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