Ok ok ok....
So i've been defoaming. To me its not that big of a PITA... just a little time consuming. I'm kinda tapped out on funny this morning, I hope ya'll will forgive me.
Found some things that are probably expected, and a few that I did not expect.
I started cutting out the foot hold on the right side of the ski. Here is the ridiculous crack I found when I padded the foot hold. So lets take note here. Very thin glass, the glass holding it in barely adhered to the hull. Back to the goat semen and cheese cloth or whatever I said before. Its weak and thin... Like deftons' wee wee...
So I cut it out... and what do I find at the bottom of the foot hold????
I mean really... seriously... the bottom is thicker than the average Furr's Buffet patron's thighs and the top is paper thin?
*sigh* I digress...
This is the standing water that was in the hull after I got most of the foam out of this side.
So here is where it gets interesting. Apparently Mr Brah added some sort of trim tube or... I honestly don't know, don't care....
Whatever it is, it has a hole rotted through it.
And while this really should send me over the edge... these metal lines are all loose. They used silicone to seal them, and did a poor job...
More of the soup in the hull...
Ok, and last but not least. I got the 1 way valve out of the fire wall... remember all the flexy/nasty/wtf going on????