synchronizing carbs

ive almost profected it so ill keep everyone posted witha duel carb set up
it makes the both cyl run the same and you can riching up the front cyl so you dont have to even run duel cooling anymore. im getting a patent then ill tell yall more. but on a stock 08 superjet synch with no mods was faster than my buddys before we did his. there is a 15-20% increase in power easily.
im having parts machined as we speak. and you can do this on you boat while its running. is there a intrest out there let me now
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Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Say huh??
You wanna explain a little more what you're talking about? Synching the carbs.....20% more power easily??? Either I'm lost....or you're smokin' some good sheat!:439:(wait a minute.....maybe I am)
I just don't understand the words that are coming out of your mouth.
Maybe I just can't make out what you're talking about.....????? If that's the case, my bad. But huh!! And if you're getting a patent....guess you won't be telling us anymore for quite a while. That'll take some time won't it?

Oh yeah, in case I forgot to mention it......HUH?????


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Would you like to buy a magnetic fuel efficiency booster, it will give you 8% more power on top of your 15-20% increase in power. :27:

I'll up the deal with Flowmaster sticker. You won't even need a pipe or any other mod after that!:naughty:'ll be pushing 300 ponies by then.
(please give me a hint though to your super synch......I want to go steal your patent):sneaky:
when i get the patent i will tell more and how it works but that is the main problem with duel carbs and all that vibration. i been working with this stuff since i was little and so has my dad so we came up with this. and testing has started. will test for this season and if everthing goes well we will be selling a packing deal or you can send us your carbs and have the mods done. if you can use a drill and know anything about synching carb you got it.
i think i said to much all ready
but who cares
yamaha does no synch there carbs from the factory
but they sould. but they know there is now need with that brick pipe because it work okay like that. if want more power they this has to be done and no i not blow smoke


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
when i get the patent i will tell more and how it works but that is the main problem with duel carbs and all that vibration. i been working with this stuff since i was little and so has my dad so we came up with this. and testing has started. will test for this season and if everthing goes well we will be selling a packing deal or you can send us your carbs and have the mods done. if you can use a drill and know anything about synching carb you got it.
i think i said to much all ready
but who cares
yamaha does no synch there carbs from the factory
but they sould. but they know there is now need with that brick pipe because it work okay like that. if want more power they this has to be done and no i not blow smoke

Yeah....I'll send my stuff right out to ya.:buttkick:


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
ok you guys can have your unsynch 2 stroke all day
but mine is right on it cfm. if you guy even now what that means

Dude....did you even spell that right? Nobody knows of anything that you mean.
But you take your patent and your 20% pwr boost....and enjoy. :tomato:
But you might be right....I mean after all of these years of "unsynched" junk superjets, you just might be the savior. I mean hell, nobody rides a Superjet becuase their setup sucks so bad. Maybe your super syncher can save Yamaha!
you guys dont even know what cfm means(cubic feet per min.)
i need some real motor heads in this thead. cause you guy are beat me up over something that you guys with duel carbs are missing. your cyl are not running the same. thats why you synch them.
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