synchronizing carbs


rocky mount, nc
you guys are crazy my ski has some much bottom end. i put my motor against your strokers anyday. with stock bore 701, porting by me always, and 240 psi compression with duel 44s with v force cages and reeds. i had a lamey motor and thats was my starting point in all this but i knew there was a cheeper way so i made my own pipe and use factory pipe manifods. you guy just buy off the self stuff. and have what everyone one else has. people just need to look outside the box sometime. im a fabricator i build my own stuff. i still use yamaha platform 62x case with 61x cyl. i have friends with cnc machines and ever other tool i need. i believe im making close to 130 hp on the low side. but im always on a buget and i dont have a lot of money to buy all this cool stuff so i have to make it. i bet there is a lot of people on this site just like me. trying to do the best they can with the money the have.

what are your porting specs and let me see that pipe.... i want a budget 130hp ski (on the low side).... im sure everyone else here does too
you do own r&d work and spend the time and money. i paid my dues. ive been doing this since the mid eighties. i want to know how much money wave demon has in his motor i bet i have half or less.

Philip Clemmons

Owner, P&P Performance
Richmond, Va

I enlarged the nebulizer orifice and gained a real 7.8% across the board.

When I added the stinger velocity cone that picked it up 2%.

My homemade snorkel type ram air kit added 3.6% at speed.

I figure now my B.S.F.C. is down around .36!

With the piston speed calculated by (strokeXrpm)/6, and my rod lightening modification, I figure I have increased piston speed by 8% at any given RPM..........

My ski is one bad MOFO!

And I applied for a patent cause "I know some people":thewave:

If you send me your stuff, for the right price, these secret mods can be yours!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
you do own r&d work and spend the time and money. i paid my dues. ive been doing this since the mid eighties. i want to know how much money wave demon has in his motor i bet i have half or less.

1k for a complete 66e (120 hp stock). already owned a bpipe, fabbed mounts and manifold from metal from recycle yard. I've got some A/M SBN carbs to try on it soon too.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
you guys are crazy my ski has some much bottom end. i put my motor against your strokers anyday. with stock bore 701, porting by me always, and 240 psi compression with duel 44s with v force cages and reeds. i had a lamey motor and thats was my starting point in all this but i knew there was a cheeper way so i made my own pipe and use factory pipe manifods. you guy just buy off the self stuff. and have what everyone one else has. people just need to look outside the box sometime. im a fabricator i build my own stuff. i still use yamaha platform 62x case with 61x cyl. i have friends with cnc machines and ever other tool i need. i believe im making close to 130 hp on the low side. but im always on a buget and i dont have a lot of money to buy all this cool stuff so i have to make it. i bet there is a lot of people on this site just like me. trying to do the best they can with the money the have.

here we go....

your ski has some much bottom end?

if you're going to port why not bore?

you must be rich to run race gas.

you'd have better luck synchronizing your carbs if they weren't dueling. :starwars:

how many factory pipe manifolds can you use at once?

when did yamaha start making 62x cases?

how can you almost make 130 hp on the low side?

lets see some pics of your fabricated stuff.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Yes his dad does post here
is name is cartel something

Seriously you think snc your carbs is that awesome
How far out were they to begin with if you noticed a 20% gain??
boy you guy are hard on me but thats cool thats how this site is i just like messing with all of yall and it great that there is a lot of ingenuity in this sport and that what keep it going. so guy keep up the good work. well maybe will just talk about all this without knocking down people ways of doing things
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chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
it's just as simple as going to the vw specialty shop to pick up a carb syncronizer that runs under 50.00 that is genraly used to sync multiple carbs
it works on vacume volume measured in cfm.

it's no rocket science but the tool already exists
For those guys looking for jobs. If you could stand a cold winter where I'm from we can't get enough workers(Alberta). Min wage is $8.00/hour but I bet I would not be able to find a job that starts less then $12.00/h and thats at a McD's. If you work in a welding shop as a general laborer starting is around $20.00/hour & up. If you go to the rig's around Fort McMurry it's easy to pull over $100,000 a year your first year. We are killing for employees here. At our fast food stores we have kids that can hardly look over the counter taking your order.
Sorry to hear your missfortune, it's almost as bad here not having people to work, nothing gets done.
Hope you guys get things sorted out soon and get back to work!!


rocky mount, nc
ok guys.... i dont know all the carb things your are referring to, but i just talked to this guy on the phone for an hour abt skis in general and he knows his ******** so maybe you can cut him a little slack and be open minded about whatever he is saying


Анархия - мать порядка!
ok guys.... i dont know all the carb things your are referring to, but i just talked to this guy on the phone for an hour abt skis in general and he knows his ******** so maybe you can cut him a little slack and be open minded about whatever he is saying
Did you ask if his dad finished his X-2 project?
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