The Addiction is done...

Incredible job! I am very proud to have been a part of it. I know heart and soul has been in this for over a year, and so far it looks amazing. Can't wait to see the whole thing!


I forgot!
just ordered a copy, perfect release timing for the end of season. this will help us seasonal riders make it through the long cold winter that awaits. Looks like its gonna be a really great film.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Cool vid well done

I want to buy it but on the site is says UPS will charge $69 for freight to Australia :banghead:

yeah not sure about that...let me look into a few things and hit you up with some numbers later...about to run out for the afternoon...


The Good Old Days
HELP !!!

I just tried to place an order and the thing is asking me for a "password".
What password ??

"Man walks with one red shoe", will that work ?:sneaky:


The Good Old Days
Never mind, the Polak figured it out.

Add me to the list of those waiting for the video.

Now I'll be checking my mail box daily even though it doesn't get shipped till after the premiere.
Being a Polak is special.:biggrin:


Twinkle Toes
that teaser looks awesome. its so great to see such a good thing to come from such good people. i really hope you get all that you wanted out of this, cuz i know that all of us will.

thats funny that rickster said that the music gave him a headache, cuz when rhonda showed me the video on myspace i was going to ask you who that band was.

ps - is it nov 11th yet?


we talked........ ull do just fine....... glad u and the wife have something to keep u busy while jake is waiting on his 1959 hiroshimo trading cards box set


i rekon
Pensacola, FL
damn criss!!! great +++ job man

wish the "nascency cinema"was like the one at daytona teaser..somehow i thougth that was coolest thing LOL dunno why


believe it....
:arms: i'm very excited!!! it makes me want to ravage!!!

have you ever thought of doing porn?? cause i know those nascency cameras are equipt for doing me....



Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
The trailer look great!! Rickster can watch the vid on mute while he is playing Yani to it! (Only kidding bro) I'm glad I made the final cut, very exciting for me!

Whats the deal with the premire? Time?, Location? Invite only? I would love to make it out to see that.

Also, whats up with distribution? Is it a internet only kinda thing? I know a couple local shops that would carry that.

Kudos to getting this thing wraped up.


oh, Are you guys gonna make it out to Pismo?
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