The Addiction is done...

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
ok, details on this party thing
just so we can try to plan this
we would like to attend
hopefully some adult type of festivities too ;)

GOOD LUCK with this vid sale

one of these days we will get a DVD player....
she's now hinting to me cause she can't get any adult VCR tapes lol


"I just wanna go fast" RB
Herriman Utah
How can anyone watch that and not want to ride, got my copy ordered, and just realized that nov 11th is over a month away, this is going to kill me.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
The trailer look great!! Rickster can watch the vid on mute while he is playing Yani to it! (Only kidding bro) I'm glad I made the final cut, very exciting for me!

Whats the deal with the premire? Time?, Location? Invite only? I would love to make it out to see that.

Also, whats up with distribution? Is it a internet only kinda thing? I know a couple local shops that would carry that.

Kudos to getting this thing wraped up.


oh, Are you guys gonna make it out to Pismo?

Eddie, get my number form ross or jerry, we can talk turkey over the phone bro...

Can't wait to see more :arms: Look's awesome !!!
Thanks Chris & (François 3rid)!!!:wink:

i owe francois alot!!

Yani kicks arse...:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

ill remember that for the next vid...


running on empty
Just ordered my copy even though my two wheel golf cart run didn't make it in the vid. :biggrin: :sneaky:


He Who Dares....WINS!!!
Just got my order done!!!.... Cant wait!!!

Chris, Thanks a TON!!! Ordering things from over here in South Africa, are not always the easiest, but you really helped me stax! MANY, MANY Thanks!!!:biggthumpup:

I can really reccommend anyone to do business with you!!!

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