The Addiction is done...

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Jeepers....sure would be nice to have a tripple threat at Pismo this year and screen this fabulous flick as well ;)

Of course - we'd want you there to introduce the film and explain how you chose the many characters.and that neato Sanford and Son music...LOL!

Seriously, gimme a call,

i would love to if i had your number...:biggrin:


The Nascency Project
Marietta, GA
It's working for me--right click the link and save it to your computer--it'a wmv file so it plays on Windows Media Player...

Let us know if you are still having trouble--we'll figure out some way for you to see it!! :biggrin:


havin fun
clearwater FL
OMG! I am soo retarded. its downloading. this is why I don't work in the computer field. my common sense ends right where the desk with the keyboard on it begins. thanks for pointing out the obvious. I can't wait.


The Nascency Project
Marietta, GA
Haha!! Can you imagine the list of extra's around my house Chris has to do to make up for all the time spent filming this video and then editing it!!!:bigeyes: :biggrin:

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project

Chris, Thanks a ton for getting that put together for this weekend. Nothing like watching All My Crazy Friends III and the extended trailer for The Addiction. Lots of good comments from the crowd on it. :woot::woot::woot:

i heard you helped out with some commentary too during the showing...too cool bro, thanks for helping to spread the word...:woot:



Chris, Thanks a ton for getting that put together for this weekend. Nothing like watching All My Crazy Friends III and the extended trailer for The Addiction. Lots of good comments from the crowd on it. :woot::woot::woot:

I talked to Lisa and she said people were loving it!!!!!
:Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01:
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