The Addiction is done...



Ally insisted I turn it off! LOL

same here ! my wife is excited about the Addiction too !

I have some local Bars that I go to around here, that want
to play it, sports bars and whatnot... just need to make
sure that is cool with Chris. I will shout you when/if its cool
to go down ! Just cool that bar owners were intrested !


R.I.P. 11/27/2008
The teaser is a killer and I have not wasted time. my order is in. to bad there is no motorized surfboards like surfjet, powerski, Xboard, or Surfango, well maybe there is, but no mention in the listing. Cant hardly wait for my DVD.
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Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Found out that there is a clip of me doing a BR in it. :eek2::thumbsdown:

I've been Twangled. :banghead: :banghead: :puke:

don't feel bad glory, me and ronny are in it too, albeit for a second here or least i don't throw metal like some people do in it lol...

The teaser is a killer and I have not wasted time. my order is in. to bad there is no motorise surfboard like surfjet, powerski, Xboard, or Surfango, well maybe there is, but no mention in the listing. Cant hardly wait for my DVD.

sorry, no motorized surfboards or anything just regular old jet skis...:biggrin:
don't feel bad glory, me and ronny are in it too, albeit for a second here or least i don't throw metal like some people do in it lol...

I hate you Chris. I hate you so very very much. lol
Hell Ally is in it multiple times! lol
Hide from Twangled cameras! It sucks being in such a pathetic piece of work!


So long and thanks for all the fish


So long and thanks for all the fish
I hate you Chris. I hate you so very very much. lol
Hell Ally is in it multiple times! lol
Hide from Twangled cameras! It sucks being in such a pathetic piece of work!

I was in the original Twangled, but apparently pissed off Burtka so he cut me out of Twangled Remastered. I don't think I was in Star Twangled Banner, but he may have reused footage so who knows.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
I hate you Chris. I hate you so very very much. lol
Hell Ally is in it multiple times! lol
Hide from Twangled cameras! It sucks being in such a pathetic piece of work!

i never said who threw gave yerself up bro...

and yeah, ally can't talk...i think she is a twangled spokesmodel now lol...:biggrin:

btw, i still owe you that big bottle of GG...

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Hey i really want to get a couple of copies but live in Canada and it said the shipping cost was really high on your online store, anything you can do about that thanks

if you do the international flat rate then you should be good to go on the shipping...its like $6.50 or something like that...

cambo au

just placed my order cant wait its gona be cold sitting by the letter box till it comes. just saw the trailer and had to have it


Ride for life
North NJ
So when will you start shipping them out?
I really can't wait to see it.
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