The "I Can't Go To Daytona" . . . Thread

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The original Mr. Mehoff
Jacksonville, FL
Yeah, Mickey can wait! 10 days in Orlando doing theme parks gets kinda old. Been there, done that. And Kawch is right. It's only 30 minutes east of Orlando.


havin fun
clearwater FL
I was totally bummed when I found out the schedule and I was really looking forward to riding/hanging out with you guys again. Not sure I'd be schoolin ya on anything, anyway.

BTW, I'm still gonna :nutkick: next time I see you if you don't win the Cherry Buster.

What are you talking about? I am winning it! I will be doing a barrel roll and a Backflip for the very time! On my very first try! Unless I totally poooch it and hurt myself and break my ski the first five minutes out!( which is more realistic):woot:


Shootin' The Crap
yea...i gotta a real good picture of me dropping my wife and 2 year old off at the gate and saying.."see ya tonight"........dont think i would do that.

Now you're making me feel guilty...I spent three days at Disney with the wife and two kids a couple of years ago, and I still managed to sneak away for a ride at Daytona...:cool2:

Also, you might not want to stay for TEN days at Disney...:bigeyes:

You were kidding, RIGHT!!! :bs2:


lone wolf
yea...i gotta a real good picture of me dropping my wife and 2 year old off at the gate and saying.."see ya tonight"........dont think i would do that. your goin at this all wrong man:nono: you set up a special surprise spa day for your wife where she will be fluffed,buffed and pampered all day with not a care or responsibility in the world. (no woman will turn this down)quite conveinently this leaves you with time to kill,may as well take a ride over to daytona and check out the freeride!there will be plenty of wives and gf's there to keep an eye on the kids while you bum a ride on someones ski:biggthumpup:


Sorry to hear that Glen.... It won't be the same w/o ya bro
:frown: :frown: :frown:


New York Crew
Western New York
Thanks for starting this now annual thread... :banghead: yeah, i am not going either... AGAIN! This should be my last year of not going though... this is my daughter's senior year in college, once I get my daughter married off this summer, it's officially on for me!!! :woot: :Banane01: :cheer:

Just have to take the wife on one carribbean trip a year, the rest of my vacation time can be used for events... :biggrin:


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
Hell I don't know. From what they told me, the weigh-ins, judging, etc. is the weekend of the ride, then the actual races are the following weekend.

Sometimes, being a good Dad can have it's disadvantages.

I know a few "things" (all legal of course) about these derby cars. When my son was in RAs his car pretty much cleaned up, took home the biggest trophies.:Banane01:

PM me if you need any tips.....


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
Do I sound too much like a ********** if I say its too cold to go? I will be looking for a good surf ride later this year though.


Do I sound too much like a ********** if I say its too cold to go? I will be looking for a good surf ride later this year though.


first of all... the water in daytona is warmer than pismo
and there will be less wind and warmer than Texas..

not buying it


Ann Arbor
Not going to be there either. We have the National Dual tournament that same weekend (biggest team meet of the year) :banghead: So Im out on jetskiing...

Big bummer cause this is going to be a Killer event! Nicks doing a hell of a job!


Old, but still ridin'!!!

first of all... the water in daytona is warmer than pismo
and there will be less wind and warmer than Texas..

not buying it


That's a crappy excuse. At least I'll be running around like a chicken with my head cut off, dealing with 68 kids.

Too cold my a$$$$. Besides somebody besides Larry has to represent the Co - Tex crew.
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