Hey Cat, guess where I am still................. 29 hours later.
Drive thru? I heard Crystal had Wireless
Hey Cat, guess where I am still................. 29 hours later.
WHAT......I was hoping to finally meet you. So ok...will you be at Lanier then?
When is LANIER?
That's a crappy excuse. At least I'll be running around like a chicken with my head cut off, dealing with 68 kids.
Too cold my a$$$$. Besides somebody besides Larry has to represent the Co - Tex crew.
Lanier is typically in May---Memorial Day weekend to be precise. :biggthumpup:
I had hoped to go but our annual ski trip to New Hampshire is the week after and I just can't see it happening. Might have this problem for next year too.:bs2:
Lanier is typically in May---Memorial Day weekend to be precise. :biggthumpup: