The latest reason my ski will not start. *#$@!


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I got a new OEM Mitsuba starter off ebay and finished building my ski today. I also have a brand new Jetworks battery. When I hit the start button it will not turn over fast enough to start. If I pull the plugs it turns over at a regular speed. :261:I have 35cc domes so my compression can't be over 185psi. Could a new starter be bad? Is there a way to check it? :thinking:

My ignition system is a MSD Enhancer with a 61x stator and 61x Jetinetics lightweight flywheel on a otherwise stock 62T motor.

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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
LOL! That's not funny, man. I really don't wanna remove the dang stock exhaust off my sn to switch it out. I don't see much of a choice though. First I'm gonna try a different battery.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
It was the jetworks battery! Who would have thought? I put the crappy old Champion cb16 or whatever from my seadoo in and it turns over fine. I guess I'm giving Art a call tomorrow.


I forgot!
i was just talking to my battery dealer and he said he had a battery in something that read 12.whatever. it appeared to have lots of power in it but the plates get eaten away and it cannot get the power out when it is drawing an amount needed to start the motor. he said to put on this little gizzmo that desulpherizes the battery when not in use. since he installed it 7 years ago his battery has been fine. is the jetworks an AGM battery?


I got a new OEM Mitsuba starter off ebay and finished building my ski today. Ialso have a brand new Jetworks battery. When I hit the start button it will not turn over fast enough to start. If I pull the plugs it turns over at a regular speed. :261:I have 35cc domes so my compression can't be over 185psi. Could a new starter be bad? Is there a way to check it? :thinking:

My ignition system is a MSD Enhancer with a 61x stator and 61x Jetinetics lightweight flywheel on a otherwise stock 62T motor.


at least read the original post all the way through


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I did.

since this has been a several day long saga, I thought maybe he had tried a different battery in his testing procedures already.

thanks for your concern, and helpful tip though.


EDIT- sorry, I had mistaken this post for another user, with similar issues.

Flame away Ant!

at least read the original post all the way through
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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Yeah, it is a brand spankin new battery. Somehow it doesn't have the cranking power it should. The battery tender shows it at full charge.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I put my ski in the water today and it still wont start. The starter is turning fine but it just wont catch. Fuel is moving in the lines cause I can see it returning to the tank. Fuel is moving in the primer. The ski has compression. So now I guess I need to check spark but I've got to look at a house with my wife so it will have to wait.

It almost catches up but only right when I let go of the starter and just for a split second. Things that I'm thinking:

1.The stator came from a junk pile and although it looked OK I guess maybe it's not.

2.The used MSD Enhancer I bought over the winter could be bad.

3.The jetinetics flywheel is bad somehow with the magnets or something.

4. New plugs but the plug wires are old.

5. I have no idea and I'm just brainstorming here. Can someone help me out with some opinions or suggestions. I REALLY want to ride this thing!


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Which of the two connectors is the stop connection? Can I fix it somehow or do I need a new start stop switch?


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
I think it's the white/black one. It's in the engine compartment.

Just try one, and then the other. If the starter doesn't turn you know you unplugged the wrong one :p

Depends on what to replace. Might be a corroded connection (what you are unplugging) or could be in the switch.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
thats also the tell tale of a faulty MSD enhancer, possibly bad stator too.
you can check the resistance to the stator wires and get a decent idea of if its workable or not.

do you have a CDI to substitute?

Ill loan you one if you dont.

stop/start,. disconnect the white/black wires connector near the carb going into the E box, that will eliminate the stop switch as your problem,

TURN YOUR IDLE DOWN, since you wont be able to kill the ski with the red button!
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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Only reason I'm leaning towards the start stop switch is because it's the first start of the day and not been running before it starts doing this.
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