The latest reason my ski will not start. *#$@!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I also had an issue like this with a jetinetics charging flywheel,the magnets were not strong enough to produce the required ac voltage,I knew right away what it was because thats all that I changed and it would no longer run,sadly you don't have that scenerio.You can do the screwdriver test against a known good flywheel but it requires you to remove the flywheel to do so.Check the output of the ac coil at cranking speed,if its low and the stator ohm readings spec out suspect the flywheel.
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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I guess that is a possibility. It's time for a process of elimination.

But I'm a man on a mission now....Anyone got a Total Loss they are willing to sell?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I didn't switch the wires because the connections are setup so that it wont connect any other way. I doubt that the flywheel key sheared since it is newly installed and has yet to fire up. Between work and a weekend trip to Alabama to visit family, I'm not going to be able to get into the motor again until next week.
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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
You may have to use a jumper between them... just read this slowly a couple times:

The MSD Enhancers can be used on 62T,61X and 6M6 stators, the differrance in the install is... MSD did not color code the wire to go to the stator wire. This wire is white/W red tracer on OEM Yamaha, MSD made it only white and used a male plug end on the CDI side. If you use this CDI on a 62T late style stator you have to use a female to female jumper from stator to MSD cdi. When using MSD cdi on pre-62T use male plug from cdi WITHOUT jumper wire and plug straight into stator male white/ W red tracer wire. The MSD white female ALWAYS plugs into the white male wire going out the elec. box to the Start/Stop switch.
Always check to see if wire correctly before jumping back to the stock OEM cdi as it will have the right wire plug ends on them for the correct year model stator.
ok i know you said you bought a new battery .. i returned a new batter last summer it had a bad cell they checked it and said yup bad cell and dumped acid into a new one and handed it over ,, I may have missed it n your thread but did you try another battery ?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I did try another battery and it turned the ski over fine. I talked to Jetworks yesterday. They are shipping me out a new battery and sending me info on getting my bad one shipped back to them so they can see what was wrong.

I got a good deal on a MSD single channel TL from godocgo. It will be shipped to JetSkiSolutions to be refurbished. After riding pabloescobar's ski with a total loss, and having to tear into my motor again anyway, I figured I'd go for it. I couldn't have anyone on my lake with more power than me! LOL.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
It will if it all works, and fresh from jetskisolutions it should be plug, time, and play.

I figure I've got to pull the flywheel and stator anyway, so it will be an easy as a time as any to go ahead and swap out the ignition.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
It will if it all works, and fresh from jetskisolutions it should be plug, time, and play.

I figure I've got to pull the flywheel and stator anyway, so it will be an easy as a time as any to go ahead and swap out the ignition.

Plug and Play? Not with Total Loss. Good Luck.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It will if it all works, and fresh from jetskisolutions it should be plug, time, and play.

Good luck with that. :jester:

TL is great, but you will need to take some time to set it up right and install it properly.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I totally understand that. My buddy just setup his analog TL and we timed it and rode the ski this week. I know what is involved and that it needs to be set up right. Troubleshooting my setup won't be much easier and involves buying a new stator that I may/may not need. Either way is a pain in the butt, so I might as well switch to TL since I eventually wanted to try it out anyway. I got a whole digital setup for $250 and JSS charges $60 to refurbish it. Now is a good time.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Besides...Why ya'll wasting my flavor? You should be supporting me in taking the next step, instead of assuming I'm a total noob with no idea what I'm getting into.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Oh yeah, FYI for future reference. Never mention Jetworks batteries to Jetskisolutions. I heard a 10 minute tirade of how they are crap and Oddessy is the way to go. I also spoke with him about wiring in some quick connects for a battery and he said he always charges his battery without disconnecting it from the ski. Do most people do this or take it out of the ski to charge it? I always assumed it should be removed from the ski to charge.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
John's a good guy.

But I got 3 bad Odysseys and 1 good Jetworks battery on my side of the argument, so I am not buying that.
You should indeed disconnect the brain. Why?
In case you have a voltage swell or worse, surge, on the powerlines which may transfer through the charger and fry your electrics.
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