The low down on the TBM Super pump cone for Superjets?!?!


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
If you dont like it then look elsewhere are the problem is not the cone but its highlighting a tuning or prop issue

but yes i have taken off about 3 so far
you just use acetone and it come off
make sure you only use silicone and not sicaflex other wise its there for good


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Thanks Jared, much appreciated!

I'm real happy with the way my ski runs and performs now, but just looking that little extra brap snap we all crave...:beerchug:

Gonna get it installed today and ride it Tuesday probably.
I will for sure post my results!
Thanks again,
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wannabe backflipper
gold coast
you will not get more brab
you will get quicker reloading when you land a wave and through the chop

keen to hear what you think


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
They are awesome in all conditions
the will not cavitate like a normal setup
you will get more of a direct hit out of the pump
you need a mag prop and you need to make sure its the right pitch
setup right they are one of the best thing you can put in your pump


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
i swapped the 12/17 cutback mag and tbm out of my superjet and put it in the blaster. stock blaster.... just has a ride plate, intake grate and k&n flame arrestor.

it really loaded the motor up a lot, but its great in the chop on the way up to a wave in the surf. you can just hold the throttle WFO... no cavitation whatsoever.

as for flatwater i dunno... seems like the flatwater guys dont favor it, but as a surf guy i think its great. works good for running buoys too... no cavitation coming out of the corners ever. the place i notice it most is in washing machine conditions in the surf where it is hard to gain speed on the way to a wave. it is also good on the recovery after landing a big jump where the ski goes deep into the water.

as for removal, i only used loctite and it came right apart after one season of use. i did have small barnacles that grew under the pump cone on the stator section of my superjet. when i buy another and put it back on the superjet ill probably silicone this time.

good luck


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Thanks for the tip Motoman...

Well I almost got it done yesterday, but I loaned my prop tool to a friend and he never returned it last fall. Ive decided to never loan out a tool to a friend again unless I get a deposit!! LOL

I just got it back from him a bit ago and will be finishing up today and will test tomorrow.
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Thanks for the tip Motoman...

Well I almost got it done yesterday, but I loaned my prop tool to a friend and he never returned it last fall. Ive decided to never loan out a tool to a friend again unless I get a deposit!! LOL

I just got it back from him a bit ago and will be finishing up today and will test tomorrow.

I did the same thing for another X & PWCT member. Needless to say I had to hound him about mailing it back to me. Eventually he just paid me for it. Now I have to order myself another one. The money was spent long ago and yet I still need a prop tool! I better order myself one next parts order...

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I did the same thing for another X & PWCT member. Needless to say I had to hound him about mailing it back to me. Eventually he just paid me for it. Now I have to order myself another one. The money was spent long ago and yet I still need a prop tool! I better order myself one next parts order...

Uh, who's fault is that???? I have done the same thing.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I will buy a new prop tool. Just didn't want to spend the money on shipping ONLY for a prop tool. I have a parts order to put in anyways, I will tack on a prop tool. Trust me I ma not hurtting for the $15 I got for the prop tool.

The guy needed a prop tool asap and didn't want to wait on ordering one. Then he jerked around for three weeks before I finally said hey, just send me some money for it... Heck I lent a friend that lives two blocks away a drain snake and he hasn't brought it back for a month now! I am thinking that IO souldn't loan anymore tools to ANYONE EVER!

Back on topic... anyone here running a Kawie TBM? I will use one in my SXR pump in my 650 X2 with an 800 SXR engine this coming year. I had an R&D but I sold it before I ever used it. I like the TBM's tail cone choices a lot better than R&D's washer/spacer setup.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
i didnt silicone but i think i will take the time to do it next time around. worst case scenario the silicone just blows right out of the pump.


Ride for life
North NJ
I also agree with everything Wax said.
The pump cone is going to put alot more load on your motor. It would be a good idea to get RPM numbers before and after. You might need to change prop pitch or nozzle size.
The pump cones work great but you need the right combo of parts.


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Thanks for the replies.

I really do like what I currently use: Skat swirl 12/17 cut back 7mm to the blades, 85mm nozzle bore, WW freestyle cone... but always looking to test and try new stuff.

After I get the TBM super pump cone in then I am trying it with the Skat swirl 12/17 with 85mm nozzle bore.
Then after that I have Gils old(mint) C-75 12/17 Skat swirl that he tried.
Wished I had a Hooker to try too(with and without the TBM cone).
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