The new FS-1

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
So, I'm the only one who thinks the front looks retarded?

but once you see that ride tray... wow

I told Missy she could fit her phat a$$ in there easily lol

hey wait... come to think of it, i could fit mine there too lol

personally i was not a fan of the handpole, but... after looking at it up close, WOW... it's nifty for sure

i didn't like the look of the FS1 at first, but it grows on you, especially once you see it in the water...
is the youtube video above roc or nac? Roks fs1 has a polaris 1105, did nacs run the 900 xscream? did anybody ride the 900 xscream fs1? does anybody know how the xscream 900 62t compares to the 900 power factor polaris motor?
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High on jetskis.
saw it out at pismo being ridden in the surf, from what i saw saying its a good surf boat may be a stretch. i wouldnt expect every surf rider be jelous of it.
looks are boxy and sharp with round kinda clashes imo.
cool that you can drop in a stock sj.
saw it out at pismo being ridden in the surf, from what i saw saying its a good surf boat may be a stretch. i wouldnt expect every surf rider be jelous of it.
looks are boxy and sharp with round kinda clashes imo.
cool that you can drop in a stock sj.

I kind of expected that. It would be near impossible to have "one ski fits all". So are you saying that it's great at freestyle and good at surf? Anyone ride that could give an honest review?


saw it out at pismo being ridden in the surf, from what i saw saying its a good surf boat may be a stretch. i wouldnt expect every surf rider be jelous of it.
looks are boxy and sharp with round kinda clashes imo.
cool that you can drop in a stock sj.

to be fair it was the guys first five minutes on the thing..i was going to ask him to ride it but i figured he would say no..i think it was the glass version but i helped him stick it on the tote and if felt pretty heavy.which is not a bad thing for a surf boat..but i agree that i dont think its a one ski does all...i just dont see how thats possible...a motor that can flatwater backflip cannot be good for wave to say that it was out shredding surf one minute and flatwater backflipping the next dosnt make sense..but i could see it being a decent surf ski with the right motor although it seems too short...but its unfair to judge it without riding it

stan- you also have to remember that most people's idea of good surfriding is probably a bit different than ours
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Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
well Dobber was saying his Rickter in o-side is stock and its the best thing in the surf. the ski that was there was set up the night before and was geting broken in right there.... they had linkage problems so the butterflys were opening and closing and different times.... thats why i diddnt ride it......

Dobber works with rick and said he wasnt super stoked with it UNTIL he got to ride it in the surf, now its his favorite. he says he cant ride a super jett any more because it feels like a "Bannana" and nose dives when ridding a wave.

thats one thing i could see being true is how the nose shape goes up drasticly (sp?) so when it hits the bottom of the wave it doesnt just nose dive like everything else... kinda like a long board vs. a short board....


thats one thing i could see being true is how the nose shape goes up drasticly (sp?) so when it hits the bottom of the wave it doesnt just nose dive like everything else... kinda like a long board vs. a short board....

if you know how to ride a superjet it dosnt nose dive either but i can see that nose working well in the surf...i just wouldn't want to repair it :ugh2:

and the shape of the nose has less to do with not pearling than the width of the front of the ski...
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Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
if you know how to ride a superjet it dosnt nose dive either but i can see that nose working well in the surf...i just wouldn't want to repair it :ugh2:

true true, i guess you can say it might not nose dive on accident:cat37:
well that where the handydandy "interchangable Front Bumper still in R&D" might come in handy!:beerchug:
A friend of mine rode it in Havasu and said it felt like a surfboard when riding it.... I really think it would be a step up from a SJ. How could it not be, since it was designed to be a good all around boat, like a SJ is??? It's just the next step (hopefully) in progression...
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