whel i gel coated the bottom.... i think the best way to describe the experience would be catastrophic failure...
before had we practiced with some thick un thined paint, similar consistency to gel coat. we shot my trailer with the new gun. (witch came out good) but when we loaded up the gel coat in the gun it was a different story. the surfacing agent didn't mix well into the gel coat and it clogged the gun instantly. giving the paint a Spackle type texture.... so we took it out of the gun in efforts to save the gel coat, and rolled the remainder on w a paint roller... it turned out really bad, as you might imagine... so i sanded it down smooth and were gonna try again this weekend. i like to think of it as a final filler.
this time weel use thinned gel coat. i did some research and found to use
lacquer thinner... any other tips on shooting gel coat? i could use em!
heres a pic of the trailer that turned out good. no pics of the gel coat job. but just imagine orange peel at its fullest extent!