the trivial complaints thread

I really, really, really HATE my new job. I thought it would be great and everything would work out.

Nope. I ****ing HATE it.

I was yelled at for going to an appointment (which was really an interview for a different job).

It makes me hate everything; I rode my ski for maybe 10 minutes and I just felt like crap so I parked it and didn't do anything all weekend.


Arlington TX
^^^ That sucks.

Back to the USPS deal... I order new riding gloves on Amazon, they ship from Fort Worth (20min away) LAST MONDAY. It should have been a one day transit.
Still haven't arrived.

I'm glad the rest of you have good luck with USPS but I stick to my claim. They are the absolute least reliable shipping method ever. I could have given the box to a crack head and he could've delivered the package to my house on foot faster.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
That's a product of efficient flight plans. Ever wonder why you have to fly 2 hours North to pick up 8 people before they fly the 100 or so people already on the plane, 8 hours South?


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
When you go on PTO, and volunteer to do some of your standard duties so that the other two already-overloaded employees dont have to take care of your stuff while you are gone, and then databases blow up and dataloads are unsuccessful and you are the SME so you have to work a full day on vacation...yeaaaaaaaaaa!

At least I get all my PTO hours back. And it looks good to senior management, so now I have a better case when I tell them "showwwwww meeeeeeee the moneyyyyyyyyyy."

So no erection on the camping trip?

Who was more upset in the end?

No erection on failed camping trip. On the bright side I skated right by 3 dnr boats on my way back to the ramp on my ski. (I was extinguisherless) if I had more than 3 functional brain cells I would have went in the woods and found a stick to prop up in the middle of the tent. Facepalm to myself.
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Arlington TX
I called amazon, the nice lady speaking broken Engrish canceled my order and refunded my $. I'm like "hey I don't want a friggen refund. Why don't you just send me what I ordered?!?"



JM781 Big Bore
I called amazon, the nice lady speaking broken Engrish canceled my order and refunded my $. I'm like "hey I don't want a friggen refund. Why don't you just send me what I ordered?!?"


You wouldn't believe the number of freebies I have received thanks to USPS. "Your tracking software shows as delivered, and it hasn't been" (which was the God's honest truth) they ship me a new widget at $0.00 and the original shows up the day after I gripe. One year I ended up with 2 free TomToms thanks to a Wallyworld/USPS clusterphuck.
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