think i will give up


UK X-H20
UK West midlands
ok i give up , i put a couple of post up asking for advice, and get nothing, is it cause im in the uk or cause its a 650sx or just me , people ask questions about stupid sh-t and get 20 replys in a day , i ask a simple question about a ski and get nothing , why oh why did i buy a dam tee shirt for this . RANT OVER :buttkick:



Katie's Boss
100% one place
I read your post just don't know anything about the D cut ride plate and don't plan on doing it to mine.

Don't give up UK is cool with me we like you guys and your skis.



UK X-H20
UK West midlands
cheers for the reply , but i just dont get it , im no pro ski rider , just a guy doing my thing , i try to to post to others when i ever i can , do my best to fit in , even a dam tee shirt all the way to the uk , bet im the only guy in the uk with one , but my posts get plenty people looking , just no feed back,



How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Ya gotta give more time for people to answer. It's nothing personal. Everyone gets on at different times throughout the day.

Sometimes it takes a few days to answer, and with the people outside the US it may take a bump or 2 during the US daylight hours for people in the US to see your thread because it got pushed off the front page.

Whatever you do, don't get upset if people don't answer your question the same day it's posted.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Not very many 650 SX skis on this site as a matter of fact I don't know of any besides your ski I am sure thats why people just don't know.

I think the problem is that there are very few people that ride 650's much and very very few people that mod them to the level that you have already and plan to. Most 650 mods were done years ago by people that aren't on this site. I don't think you're being ignored, I think you're asking people that don't know. My first ski was a 650sx. I rode it for about a month before looking for a superjet. I did no modifications to it so I can offer you no help or advice.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I honestly didn't see the thread earlier, but did this time around when I got on and replied before seeing this thread.


Site Supporter

Do not feel ostracized, being a Brit. I'm in the states, any sometimes receive no responses to what I thought was, a meaningful question. And yes, I do see ton's of responses to what seems to be a stupid question.....go figure.

I've usually circumvented this by searching various areas on the site, and other sites. (search 'D-cut rideplate', under Kawasaki)

JFW432, has a good thread for a Kawy build

good luck

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Do not feel ostracized, being a Brit. I'm in the states, any sometimes receive no responses to what I thought was, a meaningful question. And yes, I do see ton's of responses to what seems to be a stupid question.....go figure.

I've usually circumvented this by searching various areas on the site, and other sites. (search 'D-cut rideplate', under Kawasaki)

JFW432, has a good thread for a Kawy build

good luck

BTW I responded to your thread,if you have any questions feel free to pm me I know quite a bit about 650SX skis


piss off ya limey bastard......

j/k. sometimes you get lots of responses and sometimes you dont. im not sure why some question/threads get more responses than others...


I have a 650sx but honestly dont know a damn thing about it. I try not to post in threads that I dont know anythign about.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Easiest explanation is, we are snobby American a$$holes!

The truth however is that if you look up and down the forum pages, you will see many many posts that have 0 replies or very few....

Not every thread catches the eye of everyone. For example, if you put 650sx in the thread title, I would skim right over it (No offense). It's nothing personal, but it just doesn't interest me.

Sorry we left you out, perhaps would fit you better. When I had a 650, I posted in the Vintage section, and there seemed to be tons of people who commented regularly on just about every subject posted. :cool2:



Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
ok i give up , i put a couple of post up asking for advice, and get nothing, is it cause im in the uk or cause its a 650sx or just me , people ask questions about stupid sh-t and get 20 replys in a day , i ask a simple question about a ski and get nothing , why oh why did i buy a dam tee shirt for this . RANT OVER :buttkick:


It's because of you're silly Avatar Count von Count :nana: Has nothing to do with your country, ski or question.

Serious it's probably because you are pimping a ski that most folks are not that familar with. Sometimes it is easier for folks to reply to a pointless post, than to think out a thoughtful response.

You really bought one those T-shirts Wow.....

I did too.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Easiest explanation is, we are Superjet riders in general are a$$holes!

The truth however is that if you look up and down the forum pages, you will see many many posts that have 0 replies or very few....

Not every thread catches the eye of everyone. For example, if you put 650sx in the thread title, I would skim right over it (No offense). It's nothing personal, but it just doesn't interest me.

Sorry we left you out, perhaps would fit you better. When I had a 650, I posted in the Vintage section, and there seemed to be tons of people who commented regularly on just about every subject posted. :cool2:



havin fun
clearwater FL
cut one and post up your findings. then you will be the authority on d cut 650sx rideplates.
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