Freestyle Thrust hood, nosepiece. And pump stolen


Melbourne FL
I told zimmy I would be he said hold up on it let me see wat I can find he told me to send him a trim nozzle I have which I am Rad Dudes is seeing if they can fix the trim ring which is y he said wait and now they are getting him a thrust system for a great deal I texted zimmy last night still asking me wat he wanted me to do and he said let me talk to Rad Dudes and I'll text you wats up I had no problem buying him a complete x metal trim brand new I'm still waiting on him to tell me wat he wants but you comments are not needed about that situation but thanks anyways

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when i roadraced motorcyles we had a motto if you break it you pay i guess it does not count for skis,
WOW Mario I guess you didn't read what is going on here because that doesn't sound like you.

He hood and parts were stolen off a ski he had sold and was bringing to the free ride to have picked up. As a company and as part of the community I would say "let's help this fellow rider and raise money to get him his hood and pump back". BUT since zimmy was selling the hood and doesn't need a hood I said let's get him a trim since that's somthing he does need.

Mario if your hood and pump was stolen I would be first in line to help you out. I'm shocked you would be there to help out a great guy like Zimmy.


toronto canada
sorry guys i guess i missed what was going on i drove for 15 hours straight coming home from vb i thought it was about someone wrecking his nozzle, what ever i can do to help i am in
Just talked to Brian at thrust. All ordered for you Zimmy.
Anyone else that's wants the throw in on this just pm me.

Thanks Mark and all who threw in, you guys rock!!! This will be put to good use!

Brad was more than sorry for the damage to the nozzle as well as the hood theft (he was the transport for Sean) and has contributed to sorting it out!
Having followed the thread and knowing it was not what he meant at all I made him go back and read it all.. Pretty sure driving for so long and with me (who sucks at road trips) clouded his brain.

It's :):):):)ty to have anything stolen even my lunch from the fridge at work (ok, not cost comparable but heart wrenching nonetheless) zimmy is an awesome dude. The POS that did this hopefully will find it in his heart to return these items to you.

I'm waiting anxiously for a video to catch him or her red handed!!

No matter what the x community always comes together in times like these...IMO!

Edit: PayPal sent
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Melbourne FL
Sent out a 100.00 for you zimmy and sending your nozzle tommorow in mail sorry again man but thanks for the ride on the ski even tho it was for about 3 minutes

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It really is cool to have this all happen. Reading stuff on the Internet and then actually attending freeride event has given me an entire new outlook on everyone and how hardworking Generous and legit people are.
Thanks guys! It sucks to be the victim on this one. I have seen a few similar threads and felt back for those that have lost parts. Being in those shoes now straight up sucks!

sucks that happened to you,I know what its like to be stolen from as well. Its crazy brads dads friend offered him to keep the trailer at his house over night rather than keeping it in the lot. I was thinking ahh that shouldn't be necessary...guess we are giving to much credit to some d bag that comes to this ride.
You know you love the sport, when after all the crazy collage kid BS, most of us are more concerned with Zimmy's parts, My trailer was parked right in front his, I started moving some of my good tools to the Van Friday when my box would not lock, but I got sick of walking across the street so I ending up leaving 90% of the stuff in there, I guess I either got lucky or someone just wanted Zimmy's stuff, none of my stuff was missing, I see Rad dudes got you covered on the Trim, I make the 24-7 style lowered hoods(not a thrust, but there pretty good) Since no one seems want to Man Up and return your parts, i'll gladly make you one of mine for the cost of materials
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