Today was a good day - the counter to trivial complaints


Katie's Boss
100% one place
You would be correct. Our house is also faced in brick so cutting a hole is just that little bit more offensive. I would have to go out through the ceiling and dump it out in the soffit somewhere. Installing the split unit will be very similar but at least it adds value to the home.
I figured as much, your OCD wont let you go with the window unit. LOL


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I was going to get one of the Haier free standing floor models. 12000 Btu cooling, 11000 Btu heating for just $399. It's the perfect solution if it wasn't for the damn vent.

View attachment 310852
That's not bad wouldn't be a destructive installation. Just up through the ceiling and out an eve as you said. If I wasn't planning on living there forever or past 5 years or so I may install that.


OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
ScottS is going to lend me his 14000 BTU unit to trial for a couple days. I'm just going to vent it out under the garage door for the trial.

All my quotes for insulation are now in and are pretty much all the same cost. Some solutions just require more work on my part.

5" of spray foam insulation done by others = $1097
4" of XPS sheet insulation = $1050 plus lots of cutting and fitting by me as well as product for sealing all the joints.

Both require an additional thermal barrier to meet code.
Spray in thermal barrier done by others = $660
1/2" sheetrock done by me = $200 plus lots of sweat and swear words.

So, to insulate my attic to code will cost me between $1300 and $1700.

The $400 solution with a 4" hole out the soffit is looking better and better. :)
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Katie's Boss
100% one place
ScottS is going to lend me his 14000 BTU unit to trial for a couple days. I'm just going to vent it out under the garage door for the trial.

All my quotes for insulation are now in and are pretty much all the same cost. Some solutions just require more work on my part.

5" of spray foam insulation done by others = $1097
4" of XPS sheet insulation = $1050 plus lots of cutting and fitting by me as well as product for sealing all the joints.

Both require an additional thermal barrier to meet code.
Spray in thermal barrier done by others = $660
1/2" sheetrock done by me = $200 plus lots of sweat and swear words.

So, to insulate my attic to code will cost me between $1300 and $1700.

The $400 solution with a 4" hole out the soffit is looking better and better. :)
Can you not just use batt insulation then cover with ply wood?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
My house was constructed for spray foam insulation and therefore has no attic venting of any kind. What I would save in cost by using fiberglass insulation would be eaten up by costs to modify and add the necessary venting to prevent moisture issues down the road.
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JM781 Big Bore
Today was a GREAT day. Just got back from my annual physical with my new doctor. Based on my bloodwork and overall health she said I am in the best shape of anyone they have at their practice in my age range, and in better shape than 95% of their clients of any age. So, she was either hitting on me, or I am in great shape.....or both!! No matter what the reason, I'll take it!


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Post a pic of the doc, let us decide if you should "Hit" back at her.
New cashier at Starbucks this morning. He messed up and didn't catch the first labels that were printed so we got two for one. So I have two Venti Caramel Mccciato's coursing through my veins and am bouncing off the walls!!

I went thru a Starbucks drive thru recently and got my order for free. I guess they thought it took too long or something, I tried to pay and she wouldn't take my cash, said this one's on them.

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The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
VIDEO PROOF WILL COME SOON, I didn't have my gopro set up. But today I landed two flips plate to plate off of a wake board boat wake!! Felt freeken AMAZING.
I can actually flip :D

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JM781 Big Bore
I know I posted this in the 'what's your view look like today' thread, but tough!! I've always been a proud Papa. Yesterday my daughter caught this whopper. Pretty awesome story. We took the boat out in the morning caught a few little bass, a couple pickerel, and my daughter had about a 4 pound largemouth snap her line in the lily pads. She then told me how a couple days ago she lost a monster bass down off our beach that snapped her line as well. So when we got home, she asked me to put new line on her reel, which I did, and she said "go grab the net, and come to the beach with me, I've got a feeling". So, as usual I followed her commands and we strolled to the beach. On about her fourth cast I hear her yelling "Fish On, Fish On" all the while trying to do it in Jeremy Wade's accent, but failing pretty miserably and cracking up. She fought it for a bit trying to keep it out of the swim buoys and then instructed me to grab the net which I did. I've got one of those collapsible Frabil nets (which I DO NOT recommend) so I go to scoop the bass up as she pulls him to shallow water. Friggen net collapses and I am basically bulldozing him up the beach, and ended up just grabbing him under the gills and flopping him on shore. Nice fish. Just over 6 lbs and 22" long. Not her biggest ever but biggest in 8 yrs or so. She was SO freakin' happy you could not wipe the smile from her face....or mine for that matter. Later that day we took the pontoon boat out to go swim in 'the deep spot' and I see she had loaded the boat with our fishing stuff. And she said "I still having a feeling I'm going to catch something else that's awesome". Sure enough, after we got done swimming she throws a spoon on her line and starts casting and caught the first rainbow trout of her life. What a great day.



JM781 Big Bore
This may get a little sappy, but my life has been far from perfect lately, so sometimes that makes the good times seem even more amazing. Ever have one of those moments when all is right with the world? Almost like an epiphany, where this serenity just washes over you? I can remember the very first time it happened to me. It was 25 yrs ago. We had just brought our infant son home from the hospital. It was his second or third day home and I was taking the 2:00AM feeding shift. So I am sitting on the couch with my baby boy in my arms giving him a bottle. His little eyes are just looking all around and suddenly he just looks up at me and stares directly into my face and then with the one hand that was not clutching the bottle, he reaches up and grabs my finger and holds onto it. Probably the best moment of my life.

Another of these times came when my wife, the kids and I were on vacation at the beach. All the adults were up on the patio having drinks and conversation, and all the kids were on the beach digging holes, building sandcastles, playing catch...there is a lot of activity going on. Then the sun begins to set and it was the most amazing sunset I'd ever seen. The entire beach full of adults and kids went completely silent and everyone sat in silence and watched as the sun dropped out of sight. Crazy.

Well, it's been a long time since I had a moment like that. And this is going to sound weird, and I know this situation should not even compare with the other two, and it certainly doesn't with the first one, but I digress.... I'm at the gym early this morning. I am there alone as it's 5:30 on a Sunday. Then this young woman walks in. She is fit and trim, but not 'skinny'. Built more like a triathlete. Anyhow, she has her earbuds in and is warming up/stretching out. I can see her mouthing the words to some song that only she can hear. She walks over to the pull up station, gets a good grip and starts ripping thru an endless set of pullups. And I am talking REAL pullups. Not chins, and God forbid, not cross fit kip-ups. Her back just begins to physically morph as her once thin frame exposes the real musculature she possessed. It was like a topographical map of the Andes. I am watching this, pretty much in awe, and thinking "she's a rock climber, for sure". Then all of a sudden while still in the middle of her pullups, she bursts into this Adele song, hitting every note dead on. I am pretty positive she didn't even know she was singing out loud. That was the moment folks. Even now as I type this the hair on the nape of my neck is standing on end.

You never ever know when one of these moments will happen. I hope you all have one very soon.
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