Trust me, I am decent on carb setups and went through everything, and that's what led me to trying it with no main jet at all.
On my setup, I believe it was due to Novi's internal mods limiting max fuel flow. On others, it's a limit of how much fuel the pump can put out.
I have the notes out in the garage, but it's something like one body mounted fuel pump is good for 110hp @ 6000rpm, and it does extrapolate fairly linearly so 7000rpm is ~128hp.
I would agree that something must have been really jacked up that carb. I mean I am no expert but the way I understand a main circuit to work is that fuel is pulled from the bomb site venturi when the air velocity is high across it and this sucks the fuel into the carb throat. Something must have been real screwy if it was still lean with no main jet!! Thats a pretty big hole for fuel to flow through.