yea im not gonna make my deadline found a few parts i dont have 1 or 2 are cridical
however im so close i could rig it might or might not!
as far as wieght
i nosed her up on a regular bathroom scale
when i did the block it was the same scale
we did fire her up tonight whew ! shes gonna be a hand full!
almost torqed off the gurny
next will be the awefull turf ... i hate turfing!
minor stuff im missing = steering nozzle(gonna rob my blaster ) ,grips,throttle cable bracket(on the way)
oh yea ran into a big hp set back!
my riva quick rev cdi dont fire

oem worked pretty good but what could i have had?
i had to tap my 1 gal coors keg to get over the loss almost floated!
im not gonna settle w oem
we pulled 1/2 of the wires out of the elect box (stuff not used) (ypvs & gauge cluster) i think im gonna try to plug in my 760 quick rev again robbing my blaster
didnt take any pics of the new paint but i will
its not how i had it planned but the paint is growing on me