Wamilton Hood Repair


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
haha... yeah someone did! Thanks!

It seems to be working out well.... time will tell though. We will see how it stands up to some abuse. I dont know how tough this thing will be at the bond between the liner and the hood. I got a lot of epoxy down in that gap, but I was thinking of laying some thin glass over that lip perhaps as added reinforcement..... but maybe all that epoxy will be bulletproof as it is....


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
Yeah, I will be interested to see what he says....

I think we originally both thought that the glass would be good on the large areas of repair around the breathers like I did in the pics above....but we thought the epoxy would be strong enough to bond the sides... but after looking at it all done I am not sure... we will see what he says.


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On my Wamiltons hood I ground out all the old stuff and filled with milled fiber and epoxy, then layed a small strip of 1708 down in the trough over that in a "U" shape. Just leave enough room for the cloth on top. Also Pat B. had put a complete layer of thin cloth over the entire inside of the hood liner.

Was your filled with a bunch of gooey type glue? I just wonder if that is stock or someone else added that to my hood after the fact.
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I had a vision!
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s florida
On my Wamiltons hood I ground out all the old stuff and filled with milled fiber and epoxy, then layed a small strip of 1708 down in the trough over that in a "U" shape. Just leave enough room for the cloth on top. Also Pat B. had put a complete layer of thin cloth over the entire inside of the hood liner.

Was your filled with a bunch of gooey type glue? I just wonder if that is stock or someone else added that to my hood after the fact.

I know where he got that info from!!:wavey: that's the ticket!:bananalama:


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
I am coming along well with the hood... but noticed it does not sit right on the seal when I put it on the ski.... does the oem hood seal not fit right together with the aftermarket hoods the way it comes from the factory sometimes? It seems like the seal should be adjusted slightly, but that would mean that I have to rip it out and perhaps replace it with another if that factory glue tears it up...

I am going to make a template of my oem hood and compare it with the wammer hood to see what's going on here...


I had a vision!
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s florida
I am coming along well with the hood... but noticed it does not sit right on the seal when I put it on the ski.... does the oem hood seal not fit right together with the aftermarket hoods the way it comes from the factory sometimes? It seems like the seal should be adjusted slightly, but that would mean that I have to rip it out and perhaps replace it with another if that factory glue tears it up...

I am going to make a template of my oem hood and compare it with the wammer hood to see what's going on here...

The fact that you epoxied and clamped the areas of the hood might of distorted its shape a little. Try and put it on a flat surface and you will see.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
yeah... I dont know... I made a template of my oem hood and put it on the wammer hood.... it is good from the front and back, but along the sides my oem hood is about 1/4"-3/8" wider...

I dont think this came from my work on it... the liner has not really been altered and that is what is coming up short. I may have to do some extra work to widen that area by grinding the inside of the liner and widening it with some glass... what a PITA....


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
man... just when I thought this thing was almost done...

If it doesnt fit it is worthless... I am going to cut the whole hoodliner apart from the hood on both sides.... AGAIN....

I will make some kind of braces to push the liner out to conform to the shape of the oem hood liner. I will then glass the hood to conform to that shape. PITA PITA PITA


it's all good
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glass work is tons of fun... tons of dust, itchy if you don't dress right... funky smells from resins...

stop whining :pokey:


you'll get it man... got the right idea.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
got it going back together now...

Made braces to get the hood at the right width across at all locations. Then spaced the hood away from the hood liner with dowels on equal locations to insure the hood itself was spaced the right amount away from the liner.

I mixed a bit of filler and epoxy and jammed it down in the new large crack.

When that dries I will take out the dowels, sand the channel to be flat all the way down both sides, fill in the holes from the dowels, lay glass in the channel all the way down both sides, trim glass, take away the braces, DONE... hopefully only one more day of this crap.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
latest progress

hood repair almost done 001.jpg

hood repair almost done 002.jpg

tomorrow I will trim excess and sand the hood a little more before it is ready for paint.

The hood fits well now that I used the bracing from the prior pics to insure its correct shape while doing the repairs this time....
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