I'm not a eme guy, but have rode the 3 Q8 models... The first Q8 was fun to ride , I think it would be great for learning flatwater ( flips, rolls, etc) ... The Q8 sky was hard to ride, not stable at all, just to make a setup wake was a workout.. I thought it was just me until I watched Lucas having the same issue, the new aerial rides night and day better than the sky, more like the first q8 but better...
If I was going to buy one I would look at Eric 's new aerial ... Looks great, rides good, flips nice... I'm not a fan of the kawi pump... After changing props in the Lenzi kawi guys can keep those pumps... I'll stick to yami pumps.....
Just my .02 cents, like I said I'm not an eme guy, never owned one just rode them....