Custom/Hybrid Wasserjet, Rotary Engine teaser video

BK, was there any discussion about the EPA and lake bans in regards to running these engines for a replacement in existing or new A/M hulls? Any talk of how to get to 200+ hp and cost?
Maybe I missed something but I thought these were supposed to be fuel injected?

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I am very surprised with the tillotsen carbs, I would have guessed a set of modern 48's would have achieved more power and could have been a better R+D choice especially to bring in our crowd for more interest.
Still moving forward. I am not sure why someone would write DOA.

Update...tested BNs and found more bottom end punch. Allowed a better pump setup.

We have a distributor in Australia committed to purchase a few motors for this coming race season.

Building another version with rated HP of 175. Racing conditions more than 200hp. Weight just over 50lbs...official numbers coming soon.

Test rides starting in March for potential dealers.


doing something stupid...
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Pinckney, MI
I'd love to see some numbers / videos of this thing running on the Dyno. What sort of durability cycle are you running it with? Please tell me you're actually developing / testing / rating these on a bench.

All engines are ran on a dyno after being built. We haven't ran on the dyno with BNs but after tuning with the Tillotson and switching we have found better bottom end punch and working on a different pump setup.

Durability...around 150hrs for first inspection. Depending on how "hot" you ran the engine you may have to spend a $100 on some bearings. Around 300hrs you can inspect the apex seals and see if they need to be replaced. Replacing the apex seals can be a little expensive if you opt for the ceramic ones ($600 for seals and bearings). We will be shipping with apex seals made of ceramic but cast ones are available.
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