Waterdawg Rant


Ok heres what i think..At the beginning of the year Jeff seemed to have almost done a complete 180 on his way of handling buisness. He ws getting hulls, hoods, and holds shipped out plus the outher parts. He also donated a hull to the daytona raffle. He has slowly started to conitune the 180 he made at the beggining of the year to now where he pretty much did a 360:rolleyes:. And after reading what he posted in Bonzia Bob's thread, i think jeff isnt gonna last to much longer with the way things are going now. Jeff is trying to make bonzia bob and his crew look like the bad guys when jeff really is completley at fault. Ok so they did screw up a set of domes but jeff was the one that promised to make them and continusley said they were shipped, they were shipped. I mean WTF is that?? I dont blame them for trying to make the domes. Hell i would try to if i had to wait that long and he gave me a set of blank domes. But there is no reason jeff should be bitching at them about screwing up the domes.

I wouldnt normally post something like this but this is just to the point where is is completely redicoulus and something really needs to be done. Just my 2 cents.

Jeff has been around for LONG time...he's not going anywhere

standups DO exist outside this board believe it or not.........I talked to him the other day and he has to date in 07 SHIPPED 17 hulls :bigeyes:


Katie's Boss
100% one place

Jeff has been around for LONG time...he's not going anywhere

standups DO exist outside this board believe it or not.........I talked to him the other day and he has to date in 07 SHIPPED 17 hulls :bigeyes:

But were they promised in 05 LOL :haha: :bigeyes:

Okay, BK Jeff is slower than ever right now.:rolleyes:
No, back then Jeff was a one or two man show and he was still building and developing the REV. So, sure it could have taken a year to get a hull. Now he has a few more employees and made steps to get stuff out faster but his orders have probably increased by 4x (just guessing maybe more or less) from the beginning of the year. He has grown so fast it is hard to keep up. This is a custom business and it is hard to find good employees to keep the quality up to standard. It would be great if he could go out and hire 10 people tomorrow and speed up the process of getting a hull. Imagine an engine builder that all of sudden took on 4x his normal work load overnight. He would have a problem getting engines finished in the amount of time he used to. Right? And would you want that builder hiring someone to come in working for $12 an hour to port your engine? Anyways, Jeff's business has grown very fast and he definately has some obstacles to overcome. It seems communication is one of the main concerns with customers. I am no way sticking up for Jeff I am just looking at the business side of things. I love it how people that have never ordered things from him come on here and bash him. I guess it is the thing to do. I have had problems with companies before and I wish I could come on here and bash them and then people who have never even ordered from that company would just jump on board and bash right along with me. I have heard complaints about well known companies in this business all the time, but for some reason they don't come forward and talk about it on here. Waterdawg is under a microscope and every little thing that happens is blown up on here. We have to get rid of all of this drama and "click" type behavior. If you don't like Waterdawg don't order there products. Some people do have valid complaints, but I don't know any businesses that don't get complaints. The issue is between the customer and Jeff. Like I said earlier I am pulling for Jeff because if he can get things ironed out it CAN BENEFIT THE SPORT AND ALL OF US. Time will tell.
posts like this are uncalled for IMO.... This is personal buisness between the promoters of the ride and Jeff... Was is your vested interest in this information??? I promote rides and things like this happen all the time. People change what they want to give or they don't get it on time. I agree that it's not right, but really, why do you care??? W/ all due respect, it's not your buisness.

Name one person Jeff has ripped off. You ARE infering he has ripped a bunch of people off...

fyi - I in no way approve of Jeff's inconsistancies, but call it what it is... He's not ripping people off. If anything we are ripping him off..
You stated it in your own post...

like you said its your opinion.:smile:
as far as ripping people off. how about hunter ski. he drove 500 miles to get it. shipping wasnt refunded to him .thats a rip off. he didnt order wings on it .mike still doesnt have all his parts. from what i saw his quality of work is a ripoff.how about you nick ever feel like you been ripped off by other on this board?:smile:
There are plenty of firsthand stories, but most are too upset to think about it/bring it up as it's now water under the bridge.

Additionally, who would benefit from bringing up the past? It's been done many, many times in this case and it's helped no one. People will still go to the lowest cost provider based on said provider's claims alone. I don't understand it, but it is what it is.


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
I hate posting about stuff like this...But as a home moder like myself its a joke to think stuff takes this long, ITS A JETSKI, they make 60 foot boats in less time it takes him to make a dang hood. And I KNOW he has molds for this stuff already, a hull shouldn't take longer than a day. But If i had a choice to turn in my homework for class it would definitely be a year later :biggrin:

he was a nice guy when I talked to him and he is into the sport...so hes alright in my book


The Good Old Days
After reading through all these pages I think it's time to order that steering system that Jeff has.

Even though I only have Jeffs foot holds and chin pad (small items which like everyone says "he ships the small stuff fast"), I couldn't be more happy with them.
Good price and a great product.

All these horror stories did make me think twice about ordering the steering system but when you get down to the facts the number of angry customers isn't that great.


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
posts like this are uncalled for IMO.... This is personal buisness between the promoters of the ride and Jeff... Was is your vested interest in this information??? I promote rides and things like this happen all the time. People change what they want to give or they don't get it on time. I agree that it's not right, but really, why do you care??? W/ all due respect, it's not your buisness.

Name one person Jeff has ripped off. You ARE infering he has ripped a bunch of people off...

fyi - I in no way approve of Jeff's inconsistancies, but call it what it is... He's not ripping people off. If anything we are ripping him off..
You stated it in your own post...
I disagree. If it wasn't for us people that spend the money to get to rides Their wouldn't be rides. I'll tell you what my vested interest is. My son and I'm sure Natures kids use childrens healthcare of Atlanta and I think Its disgusting that Jeff would shaft kids.Given that other companies sometimes dont get the stuff there, but just like X-matal did this year they made the appropriate arrangements. Given I could really care less about having any waterdawg stuff and I'm sure Nature could care less also. It wasn't even about winning the stuff but we did spend money on the Raffle so that would be another vested interest. Where do you think the money comes from? Given Your a promoter but that dosn't mean that you raise the money by yourself. We all raise the money. I had absolutly nothing negative to say about waterdawg untill he did this.
like you said its your opinion.:smile:
as far as ripping people off. how about hunter ski. he drove 500 miles to get it. shipping wasnt refunded to him .thats a rip off. he didnt order wings on it .mike still doesnt have all his parts. from what i saw his quality of work is a ripoff.how about you nick ever feel like you been ripped off by other on this board?:smile:

Not that I'm taking sides, but you need to check your facts. Hunter didn't drive 500 miles just to pick up the ski and he also stated that shipping would be refunded for his troubles. Jeff has enough problems on his own. I'm sure he doesn't need your help.


I wish I thought of that
Ruston, LA
man, i hate that all this negativity has come from my thread. but my chinpad did get here when he said it would. its pretty solid in my book.


like you said its your opinion.:smile:
as far as ripping people off. how about hunter ski. he drove 500 miles to get it. shipping wasnt refunded to him .thats a rip off. he didnt order wings on it .mike still doesnt have all his parts. from what i saw his quality of work is a ripoff.how about you nick ever feel like you been ripped off by other on this board?:smile:

You infered he was ripping a bunch of people off. That is a flat out lie.

Like I said before, it's personal buisness between the two people involved. No matter who the people are... I personally don't feel it's right to bash companies in our sport on this internet forum... What people say in a personal convorsation should be left at that, not brought out on the net. That's the difference between having a public conversation and a private one.


I disagree. If it wasn't for us people that spend the money to get to rides Their wouldn't be rides. I'll tell you what my vested interest is. My son and I'm sure Natures kids use childrens healthcare of Atlanta and I think Its disgusting that Jeff would shaft kids.Given that other companies sometimes dont get the stuff there, but just like X-matal did this year they made the appropriate arrangements. Given I could really care less about having any waterdawg stuff and I'm sure Nature could care less also. It wasn't even about winning the stuff but we did spend money on the Raffle so that would be another vested interest. Where do you think the money comes from? Given Your a promoter but that dosn't mean that you raise the money by yourself. We all raise the money. I had absolutly nothing negative to say about waterdawg untill he did this.

It's none of your buisness what happens between the promoter and the companies involved.

You want the list of people who forgot, or were too busy to give stuff in Daytona, so you can hate them too???? You are really worrying about stuff that is none of your buisness...

lets stick to what is really an issue, since the promoters have already stated that "Chit Happens" and they are not concerend...


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Jeff needs to get three things fixed, and unfortunately these are classic signs of a small business growing too fast:

1) Customer service - people actually wait for quality goods if you are honest with them and keep them informed;
2) Consistency - the products sounds like that quality varies, and that's a classic teething problem;
3) Scalability - you just have to figure out how to keep up with the demand.

#3 is really a major problem for any kind of small business - so many choke on success, and that's exactly what Jeff is doing.

I wish him well, but he needs to be a smarter business man. The hardest part is not starting a company, it's surviving the initial ramp up your success and having a plan in place to scale, rather than just a plan to take more orders and work harder. Rookie mistake.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Everybody on these boards knows Jeff doesn't always get his parts done on time.

Many people are willing to wait for a high quality part that is a lot cheaper than you can get anywhere else.

Some people on here order parts from Jeff and expect fast service and products delivered on time. Why? Don't complain later when it is late. You allready KNOW it is going to be late. If you want it fast, pay Blowsion more and get it from them. Quit coming on here and complaining about it being slow. EVERYONE knows it is going to be slow. It is really that simple. Let the people order from him who are not in a hurry and let the others go somewhere else.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
DJ, you are dead on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scorn, funny thing about Sub, he could never support his claims, he always said "I got this info blay blah blah"......

Jeff's main issue is communication, most know it is gonna take a long time to get something. If he would just say "Hey, this is custom and it is gonna take a while", or "I am sorry, I just have not been able to get to it yet", people would be happy..........


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
I am suer jeff when he lies to people is just thinking crap I got to get that done and then he says something like yeah man its finished just have to ship it, thinking I will do that first thing tomorrow.... any one want to chip in and buy him a pda or something? it has to be a phone too...
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