the way i see it is this.its like your electric co.(here its FPL) you can get as pissed as you want at them but theres nothing you can do about it because they are the only game in town.its not like you can just call up another and get your either deal with it or make your own electricity like superramjet did :biggrin:
i see your point but here in lies the inherrent problem, people are sheep and flock to it like a squirrel to a shiny metal object. they go in to it knowing full well that they are gonna get focked over in one way or another like stuff wasn't made how it was supposed to be, partial shipments, or no shipments, or shipments that are so delayed you could have made one yourself in the time it has taken to get something. they know all this and still go ahead with the transaction and then complain when they knew what they were getting into ahead of time
there is no reason mosquini should be waiting almost a year for a pole, cracker should be waiting this long for a hood that would be covered under warranty. sure others get there ******** quick because they order something easy. i really feel bad for rotation who is getting the really long shaft from the other side of the world.... the guy asks for pump gas and gets race gas compression?
yeah his stuff is innovative, i will give credit where credit is do, but don't make your stuff so god damn proprietary that only the items you make will work for it. jeffs hulls are nice but make it so others peoples ******** will work on it too.... i mean i like the looks of the rev hull but like the design of the WCF hood.... and the whole nose piece/hood hook/pole bracket thing. if you could make it where an ac pole,rrp, blowsion, umi, xmetal or another pole would work i think alot more people would be considering the rev as an option
and we already know he is not the only person working there, his partner/co-owner/machinist has already made it clear about that
it's plain and simple if you don't like waiting a while for your stuff, getting a product that isn't exactly what you ordered, or putting up with a month of it will ship on monday then don't deal with WDK.
there are plenty of other players in the custom hull field