Waterdawg's 1200cc R.E.V.


looks beautiful now you know why you have not received your parts that took alot of time to custom make and test all those components. hopefully for his sake and the sports future he turns it around .

Stu Carr

What fire extinguisher?
Northampton, U.K
That does look nice, I thought the rider in the picture was injured? I wish I could roll that high when i'm injured. I'm gonna go twist me leg i think. :)


Standing Tall
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I saw the boat first hand & met Jeff at Body Beach. I must say I was impressed! The array of Ideas & the quality of fit & finish were above par. It's just unfortunate I wasn't able to do a test ride. I would have loved to provide a critique on his motor. oh well, next time!

ski ya, Paul
I have a short video to post of Rok riding it. Jeff only let one guy ride it because it had a damaged o-ring from an install pinch and the v-force reed cages weren't holding up to the crankcase pressure so he knew it only had a few runs on it (he solved that with Brazina's boyeson setup). This is a pump gas motor, it has much more power left in it.


Roll that beautiful Braaaaaap footage :haha: :cheer:


Site Supporter
I dont know how i missed that thing on Performance Alley Saturday?!?! Dammit!
Looks awesome and thanks again Tom for letting me ride your REV.
I must say your ski is a MONSTER!!! :bigeyes:


Insanely nice ski ! and Good color. That motor looks like Ripper ! Overall Awesome boat ! :arms:
That ski was tight for sure, the only one thing holding Jeff back is his lack of business skills and comitment to his customers. Kinda funny, I was pulling Sub's ski on a cart when I came across Jeff's ski, it made me stop and look for sure...


I love the look of it but if only the guy would get a partner that new how to run a business,,,,,,, i would offer to help the guy if i was over there because he has some great idea's, what he matbe needs is an apprentice that he can get to make all the basic stuff, footholds, hoods ect and he can concentrate on the other stuff, i would love to run that set up just would not like the wait if things broke, 2 cents....but still a sexy looking ski, Price anyone??????


If I could be an apprentice to Jeff, make jet ski stuff, make some $$ and ride as part of my job I would do it in a heart beat. :biggthumpup:
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