WaveJunkies Ransom Note #1


got a Superjet
Cocoa Beach
I was just sitting with Nick at the airport bar when they started asking for Suzanne blahblahblah. I only know her as Suzi last name Q.
The cops came and asked everyone at the bar if they knew her. We were like :confused: and I was on my second beer so I wasn't worried about it. Quite funny now but it could have ended badly. If it was me, for example, I would probably have been hand cuffed, but a hot chick with a gun, well....the cop even gave her a lock box to use. I'm glad it worked out.



Nice avatar and great letter. Jena's pops was working that day too. He says he was the one called to take pics of the firearm. I woulda called him first that day if torrminator hadn't already given you the low down, oops! Didn't torr tell you to declare it though?? :stups:


Did Roger Wabbit Master:bsflag:blaster Torr do what???? Pshhhhh…of course NOT!!! Don’t you think I would have declared it then? I was practically arguing with him saying surely it must need to be declared, or sumthin! “Oh no, you can carry a baZOOka…they don’t care, as long as it isn’t in your carry-on!!!!”

I read his lil pm late last night, and MasterBSblaster worded it to indeed try and side-step his major faux pas (the nerve, lol)… to act as if he had suggested such a logical thing! I believed him up there (via a few mimosas), only because I hadn’t been apprehended in Orlando or Norfolk on the way up, not to mention he has usually been correct on any other thing I have ever inquired about…not this time though, OBVIOUSLY!!! On an unfortunate serious note (since I despise serious matters these days), it’s actually frightening to have managed the gun through security on the first go round indeed…and it was in the outside zippered compartment for my easy access if I ever needed it (at home) to boot!!! No doubt some heads should roll for it all in Orlando, and I won’t be keeping it in a suitcase any longer…count on it!

I haven’t chatted in any manner with the BS*Bunny other than open forum on the X (one-sided wisely on his part, lol…told you he was highly intelligent); and after reading that pm, I’m no longer aiming for his lil white fuzzy tail (I can group ‘em tight as any military personnel…from a sweet distance too…promise you that Wabbit, LOL)!

I WANT that video made by Halloween’s Eve Junkies (the rest of you Junkies will be clued in soon…can’t risk any double agent action right now, lol, but I assure you’ll want in…consider it paybacks for anything he has ever pulled on you as well…it’s a true Junkie Gang Bang of sorts!!! Gramps gets the honor of posting the video and adding any degrading/demeaning/humiliating comments he wishes, and THAT will be priceless)!!!! Have your video camera’s on you at every possible gathering, LOL (and your cells)!


Firemedicmonkey…I have a lot more than NEW (lol) maids and that’s the problem…takes quite a bit to keep an army going or they run amuck…it sucs in reality, promise! A dirty grass hut in the islands is sounding pretty darn good right now (provided it’s better than a tent on a beach which I recently experienced)! Why do you think I get on the X in retard mode…its cheap/fast therapy, lol…so SUFFER ALL OF YOU! Can anyone say “mid-life crisis”…and not pi$$ me off, lol (its got a BIG kick)?

Madam Catz, HA! Good thing I had removed the batteries from all those “other” things long ago, eh? I wonder if Jena’s daddy took pics of those too (oh my gosh, girlfriend’s getting an email shortly; I had no idea her daddy worked there)! That was my “goodie” bag, and had tons of all kinds of unmentionables in it D@MN’T...HOW humiliating TORR! My luggage and EVERYTHING in it was beyond torn up (no doubts they didn’t miss a thing)!!!!

The only fun I’ve managed out of it all so far (besides terrorizing Torr) was posing for the avatar pics over at my demented friend’s house last night (and mailing pics off to Lt. Mac, aka-autographed, LOL)! To whomever posted up they wanted black/white pics of girls…, well I can’t post those on here, without unwanted grief! Thanks for the compliments though, very kind and much appreciated by this old lady (especially with the MASSIVE birthday I’m celebrating in San Diego next week)!

“Totin SQ”

PS. Yes I’m allowed to carry my “piece” without a concealed weapons permit (gray area of the law still) unlike most people, but for the record…I don’t usually…it was a TOTALLY asinine accident (so don’t be frightened, lol)! Long day and I’m typed out (believe it or not), so you have to go read someone else’s retarded posts (LOL).

WoodzieSmurf, I’ll try to play with some pics later on (but know I wanna be a Smurf too…RetardedSmurf, lol, I’ll dye my hair red), but here’s a “carrot dangler” to the Junkies for the ransom demands! I loved everyone’s posts btw…have been TOTALLY cracking up with any few chances I’ve had to sign onto the X (and laughter’s always necessary for me these days…promise)!


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thanks darin...noswad!
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Firearms at the Checkpoint

Terminal Madness

Between August 3 and 5, Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) found 12 firearms at checkpoints around the U.S., including:
  • a 9 mm firearm loaded with 15 rounds
  • a .25 caliber firearm loaded with eight rounds
  • a 9 mm semiautomatic firearm loaded with 10 rounds
  • a .40 caliber semiautomatic firearm loaded with nine rounds
  • a .25 caliber semiautomatic firearm and a magazine loaded with five rounds.
This is not out of the ordinary. Transportation Security Officers find firearms in carry-on bags virtually every day. In 2006, some 820 firearms were intercepted at U.S. checkpoints.
What do people say when faced with the fact that there's a gun in their bag? "I forgot it was there" is the story most often heard by TSOs and law enforcement officers. A few even blame someone else: "My wife/husband must have left it in my bag."
Whether or not the gun was put in the bag intentionally, TSOs are required to contact law enforcement immediately. In addition to potentially missing their flight, passengers could have their gun confiscated and/or face criminal charges. A fine from TSA is also possible.
TSA Travel Tip: Look through your bag before going to the airport to make sure you do not have a gun or other prohibited item. For a list of TSA's Prohibited Items, click here.


Transportation Security Administration | U.S. Department of Homeland Security


I was just sitting with Nick at the airport bar when they started asking for Suzanne blahblahblah. I only know her as Suzi last name Q.
The cops came and asked everyone at the bar if they knew her. We were like :confused: and I was on my second beer so I wasn't worried about it. Quite funny now but it could have ended badly. If it was me, for example, I would probably have been hand cuffed, but a hot chick with a gun, well....the cop even gave her a lock box to use. I'm glad it worked out.


Scott, I awoke to an epiphany! I seriously doubt those officers came scanning where you guys were by accident, and I wouldn’t be surprised if your reactions to the paging were being monitored closely via overhead surveillance (after I failed to respond…an hour)! Surely they reviewed surveillance tapes of the kiosk I used when they noticed I never went through security, and saw you guys with me. Recall you and Nick both kindly rolled my bags over to the TSA Employees from the ticket counter and handed them over; meanwhile, I appeared to have vanished into thin air directly afterwards? I’m hard to see in a crowd, and we all split up then for me to make phone calls outside (plus I bounced around inside a bit in between my calls). I personally would have made the connection to both of you quickly if in their shoes…it’s all Torr’s fault, LOL! Little doubt your bags were discreetly pulled and checked thoroughly as well (probably everyone with boarding passes for the entire plane).

Btw to anyone who doesn’t know…Torr (Masterblaster), he's is a true gent, but it doesn’t mean he won’t receive payback! :naughty:

Thx Crab but it was still severely idiotic.
Smurf, I DO indeed enjoy plays on words and the likes...keeps life from getting dull.
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got a Superjet
Cocoa Beach
If they were monitoring us they didn't let on. The security came to the restaurant/bar and asked if anyone knew Suzanne. Nope our bags weren't searched other than at security via x-ray.

I'm probably the only one who's got Smurfs in my garden. :woot:



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The only fun I’ve managed out of it all so far (besides terrorizing Torr) was posing for the avatar pics over at my demented friend’s house last night (and mailing pics off to Lt. Mac, aka-autographed, LOL)! To whomever posted up they wanted black/white pics of girls…, well I can’t post those on here, without unwanted grief! Thanks for the compliments though, very kind and much appreciated by this old lady (especially with the MASSIVE birthday I’m celebrating in San Diego next week)!

Roll playing B&W pics , now we're talkin' :naughty:
:mischievous: Gotcha.....................nah JJ. I just saw this thread for the first time.Sorry but we had taken guns out west on flights hunting and didnt have any problems,they were in cases but I dont think all were locked. For checked baggage I dont really see why it would matter or not.The bit about the cop saying you could be a actor is priceless. carry on obviously wouldnt be allowed but checked?
You said it was takin out of your baggage on the trip out of orlando and the clip and bullets were removed,why would the same not hold true for the way back?Might have been a good idea to just ask at check in eh?


:mischievous: Gotcha.....................nah JJ. I just saw this thread for the first time.Sorry but we had taken guns out west on flights hunting and didnt have any problems,they were in cases but I dont think all were locked. For checked baggage I dont really see why it would matter or not.The bit about the cop saying you could be a actor is priceless. carry on obviously wouldnt be allowed but checked?
You said it was takin out of your baggage on the trip out of orlando and the clip and bullets were removed,why would the same not hold true for the way back?Might have been a good idea to just ask at check in eh?

I've been waitin for you Wabbit! :shooter3: You bow out on skiing today for it all?? LOL!

Who knows! Probably heightened security due to the level orange that's always in place these days. I simply can't believe it got past Orlando of all places, being an international tourist capital and all.

The actress part, lol, I know! I asked Lt. Mac if he was asking me that because of all the hats I brought up for everyone to protect us from the hat molester (Erok, lol), or if it was my camera gear, or simply my charismatic personality!

Junkies are still taking you out Boss! :skull2:
if they took all the bullets and clip out at Orlando it didnt get past them they just put it back and let it go through,like you would think they would for checked baggage?


No No No...you still don't get it!!! They (Orlando) MISSED it entirely!!! :shocked:

I of course had my magazine out of my gun as always, but the bullets were def in it!!!

I arrived about an hour before the flight took off, and did a curbside check-in. They should have been scanning the airport for me in ORLANDO! Not Norfolk catching it all via my return trip!
I thought you said,that the clip and all the bullets were removed from the gun and put back in the suitcase in orlando,and you were surprised they didnt find some other things as well?lol


Ok WoodzieSmurf, I guess I’m stuck with being SmallSmurf instead of RetardedSmurf! Dang, I really wanted to be retarded, it’s so much fun!!! (I just noticed what the TallSmurf’s shirt said, LOL…watch out MasterBSsmurf)!

Ok Torr…last time here:

(FL Departure)
Firearm accidentally in outside zippered compartment of suitcase (due to stupid maids),
Magazine had bullets in it, but I keep magazine out of gun always (semi-automatic),
Checked bags at curbside…NO ISSUES!!!
Forget the d@mned unmentionables!!!!

(VA Departure)
Gun on inside of suitcase,
Magazine still out,
Checked bags at ticket counter (w/o declaring firearm since YOU :spank:said I didn’t have to) and then I “vanished”
Chaos ensued :reporter::drillsergeant:while you were still enjoying your lil bunny tail at beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Officer Mac kindly loaned me his personal Glock box, and confiscated my bullets!!!!
While he went to his car to retrieve lockbox, I “vanished” again to his amazement while he had left mega staff surrounding me (not police officers then, LOLOL…(outside to smoke another cig in a more nervous frenzie that time, as opposed to my earlier "vanishing" trick while trying to track down my lost credit card)!!!

…SEE, IT PAYS TO BE TINY!!! :)newangel: and :purr:)

PS. after that major faux pas statement you made AND after all this detailed posting, I'm beginning to think you must have lost your sharp mind since Evan was born!


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AND DPS. Just so ya know ALL things…

I was what is known as “black-listed” (and THAT’S a total witch to deal with there Sir) for ten years going into the islands (not guns, not drugs, but failing to declare gold...misinformation again from another "friend"), and I have probably had a clean (flight whatever) for the past ten+ years….until your misinformation!!! Should be interesting to see what happens tomorrow when I jump a flight to Cali...I'm showin SUPER early! Thx buddy!!! :rant:
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Virginia Beach
So maybe I missed it, are you going to pay Torr back? (even though I swear he said you should declare it) :clown:

Scott, seriously dude you got smurfs in your garden? Wtf are you gonna come up with next?
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:haha:...and on "smurfily confusion" edit as well :)stooges:)

Yes, he's gettin payback...he may have told YOU I needed to declare it, but Wabbit KNOWS he told me differently...besides, i wasn't as looptie looped as evb else that night!!!!!!! and :pokey:
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Анархия - мать порядка!
Dam lil terrorists lurking at Kids R Us stores packing heat all around the country... :Banane36:

:wavey: :friday::noevil:


:haha::haha::haha: (your posts always crack me up)

Honestly (now that I'm leavin town, lol), tis my fault for not checking out things myself in reality (again)...tis just more fun to harass Master:bsflag:Blaster whenever I get the rare opp!
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