WaveJunkies Ransom Note #1

x2.......lol, I think that he looks "HOT" Yes, I am serious about coming........lets try to get some dates together so I can look into flights.......LET THE TRIO BEGIN........
Speed.......let the force be with you!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I hope it is Mrs Cattledog,I am still on a three day sugar high form eating all those dang crunchberries just so I could get those box tops.


Ladies, thank you very much for your kind expressions of thoughts…
(regarding my edit button).

You did miss the thing I wished for you to notice most in the pic (I'm holding it, lol...that guy was seriously hyper funny).

Speed, I still have to go buy that Lucky Charms to get that magic wand to decipher that one you posted in this thread (and I will explain NOTHING...I saw your post in that other thread 2nite, lol).
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