Freestyle WDK ROK-R hull......"WHITE UNICORN"

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If you mean will it make Jeff man up and do the right thing, probably not, funny part is he has cost himself a lot of business doing things the way he does, I guess if thats working for him then carry on as usual.

I mean, make the situation known. Take the necessary steps (With Jeff) letting him know your concerns, what you ordered, when you ordered, how much you paid, and follow through.

But it's getting to the point, where I am sure all the members who have been screwed have done that. Repetitively posting the same thing time and time again is not going to produce a better result. Infact, in my personal opinion it might actually make it worse.

Jeff knows that he is not following through with some orders at at this point and at some other times he is choosing not to do anything about it. But, your right. I defiantly agree this is not allowing him to grow and expand his business to the potential that it can be. We all know when/if a product is produced by him, it's a quality part. There are some critical steps in the process being left out. i.e., producing, shipping, communication ect.

nope but i want to let everyone know how big of a fag he is in his own thread.

I think at this point, it's pretty well know. I don't know the logistics of your order (what you purchased, when you purchased, how much you paid, when the ETA was, or if he said he was going to do it.) Im not telling you not to be upset or angry because I would be in your shoes. I guess a better way to say all this is sometimes you just have to bite the bullet sadly enough. IF he's gonna make it right and follow through he will, if he's not... Well, then he's not. I don't think you can say anything on the forum that would make him have an epiphany and realize he has not followed through in all these instances.

Personally, if I never did something for someone that I was suppose (knowingly) and someone kept bugging me and slandering my business. I don't know how willing to help I would be. it may give him less sympathy. But at this point.. Who knows.

Im not protecting Jeff, I've had no personal experiences with him. Just telling you what I see from an outside point of view from someone with a strong business background. Brett, all I can say is you and all the others are in a tough spot and I feel for you and of course.... Hope for the best outcome.

Part of me wants to head up there and help the guy out to get his business practices on track amongst other things. This way, we can all enjoy quality products from someone with a great deal of knowledge in the watercraft composites and engine building industry.

Sorry if in any way this sounds harsh, but it kind of is.


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Largo, Fl
I mean, make the situation known. Take the necessary steps (With Jeff) letting him know your concerns, what you ordered, when you ordered, how much you paid, and follow through.

But it's getting to the point, where I am sure all the members who have been screwed have done that. Repetitively posting the same thing time and time again is not going to produce a better result. Infact, in my personal opinion it might actually make it worse.

Do you know how many people have come on here and wrote "I wish I knew about WDKs reputation before ordering.....?"

If anything, it is not posted enough. :party:


So long and thanks for all the fish
We all know when/if a product is produced by him, it's a quality part.

Yeah, about that...

X-Jets that had to be completely disassembled and redone, REVs in the same boat, at least one 1200cc engine that first time in the water flooded itself due to a design flaw, and these are just the ones I've seen personally.
Do you know how many people have come on here and wrote "I wish I knew about WDKs reputation before ordering.....?"

If anything, it is not posted enough. :party:

I think in this tread at least. There has been AT LEAST 10 times were it has been mentioned.

No, I consider myself well informed on what goes on here at the X because I have some extra time and reading threads is something I enjoy.

Again, not bashing on brett but saying something for the umpteenth time on the same thread is getting no where.

Im sure WDK has his fair share of threads in the negative feedback section. There is no way to make it so EVERY person knows about his rep prior to ordering.

But I do agree. Unfortunately people find themselves taking a risk by ordering a part through WDK and don't know what they are getting into.
AND he goes out late a nite and kills chickens and farm anumals,
Some have him confused with the CHUPACABRA..............he is blood thirsty and looking for you !!!


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at peace
Being in the retail business sometimes it's the customers fault. Stop dogging on people trying to help the sport

For over ten years now its been the customers fault?
Forgive me, but I'm not sure how Jeff helps the sport with these business practices. I've told him to his face how nice his stuff is. Unfortunately that doesn't help anyone if he makes empty promises and can't/won't deliver. Happened many times in the past, is happening right now.


I forgot!
Don't place orders from him, just buy parts that are available. If its not in stock or on eBay or the classified section from someone, look for something else. That's what I would do.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Have u heard his side to all these "mishaps"?

Huh, you know....I think you're changing my mind on this when you put it like that. Even though virtually no other company in the business suffers from this reputation, it kind of does make sense that WDK's reputation has been fueled by terrible customers ever since he started over ten years ago. Thanks, this whole time I've been looking at this the wrong way. A business has every right to take money and not deliver product time after time as long as the customer is a bad customer. Welp, WDK'S reputation mystery solved. Pack it up folks.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
Yeah, about that...

X-Jets that had to be completely disassembled and redone, REVs in the same boat, at least one 1200cc engine that first time in the water flooded itself due to a design flaw, and these are just the ones I've seen personally.

Really? The only "design flaw" anyone ever complained about when the X-jets came out was from SunnyAZ saying that the noses were too "over built" and broke handle poles and brackets instead of the nose breaking, and he didn't even own And sunny was just mad because Jeff wouldn't hook him up with a free hull to "test" out and advertise. what a bunch of
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Have u heard his side Matt? Simple answer have u talked to him about this stuff? Huh?


I think you're being naive if you think the customers are to blame for ten years of negative rep.
I realize that YOU got all your stuff you ordered, but that doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't is a "bad customer".

I know several of the stories, old and new, personally and both sides. I assure you, Jeff's side is usually some other vendor screwing him over, UPS screwing him over, etc
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