we finally got a hurricane coming!!!


lone wolf
cause the stocker cracked to pieces

its worth a shot on the outer wears,wonder how much volume of air they would stop? and how much water pressure they could hold back? ever try filling a outerwear with water?

i dont think an outer wear will help an upside down ski at all.they repel splashed water pretty well but when dunked they dont stop much at all

if the pole is light enough and has floatation in it then the ski wont float upside down.it will right itself.i had this problem when i first got my conversion hood.i put a block of foam in between my hood and liner as big as i could fit.problem solved,the ski wont float upside down now,it always ends up upright even after being rolled and pounded in the surf(this has been tested extensively)

food for thought:my oold a/c pole was filled with foam.not sure if a/c used to do that or if someone added it but it worked
im runnin a x metal pole now,not sure on foam filling it,this hood might have some room for foam,but not much,the vents are gonna get reworked here SOON

wydopen..post some pics of your venting system in that wammer hood


masterblaster;549794 wydopen..post some pics of your venting system in that wammer hood[/QUOTE said:
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