Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

Why are you using allen head bolts on 8 out of 10 of your head bolts? The two by the power valves are hex head. Are they longer or shorter or something different because of the cylinder? Whats the deal?

Looks great though, love the whole ski. Thats going to be insane!
Why are you using allen head bolts on 8 out of 10 of your head bolts? The two by the power valves are hex head. Are they longer or shorter or something different because of the cylinder? Whats the deal?

Looks great though, love the whole ski. Thats going to be insane!

I asked the guy that built it for me and he gave me some bs answer that I can't remember. :scratchchin:

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Dunno, but it has worked great on every ski I have ever owned!! :beerchug:

And.... I can see my water flow!

I had access to tons of that stuff for free when I did my other skis and everyone told me not to use it. I figured if it was free, who cares how many seasons i get out of it.
I've used it, can't imagine why it wouldn't hold up. I've used cheaper stuff than that, and it held up fine for a season, don't know after that because I haven't kept the same setup in a ski for more than a season yet.
Got the pisser holes drilled and pissers installed. B-pipe chamber installed...and all the water routing installed. This new hull is great when it comes to installing the chamber; I can get my fingers in between the hull and the chamber! There's no need to worry about this chamber ever rubbing against the hull!




Why are you using allen head bolts on 8 out of 10 of your head bolts? The two by the power valves are hex head. Are they longer or shorter or something different because of the cylinder? Whats the deal?

Looks great though, love the whole ski. Thats going to be insane!

they are shorter this way it helps people who arent wrenching all the time remember when reassembling the head


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I haven't been feelin' the jet skiing fever lately, so I haven't really done anything on this boat for a bit.

However, I got a bit motivated today. I got a new PV cap for the rear PV.... had to do lotsa dremeling to it and a bit more to my headpipe to get it to fit nicely. I got the cap safety wired on and the headpipe bolted on. I got the water lines coming into the manifold run. I got the bilge pumps attached with 4200. I'm gonna go drill my bilge outlet holes now and run those hoses. I hope to get the ignition timing set this evening.

I am the cluster F that did not get to Hsv to set timing tonight. Blame me. LOL Work has been a cluster F and I didn't leave Jasper till 7 tonight and got to be back there a 7 in the AM.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
How much does it weigh? LMAO:smashfreakB::439::booty::dunce::veryhappy::love::arms::nutkick::Banane57::wall::booty::sneaky::rolleyes::dunce::squint::arms::love::veryhappy::smashfreakB::Banane57:


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Are the spark plug holes counter-bored in the head? :dunno:
My ADA head has them flush with the head surface.
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