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- In Your Head
1. once you ride in the surf you never wanna go back to ridding flat water
1. once you ride in the surf you never wanna go back to ridding flat water
3. the ocean is unreal a bit intimidating - nothing like flatwater. i thought i was going to be able to go out there and tear it up.... wrong!
1. salt water is unreal. i cannot believe the damage it can cause... ate the relay in my e-box in less then 24 hours. nasty.
2. bring a cart... bumming one sucks.
3. the ocean is unreal a bit intimidating - nothing like flatwater. i thought i was going to be able to go out there and tear it up.... wrong!
I feel the exact opposite. I get on flat water and don't know what to do with myself. can't do anything other than turn buoys(not well) and submarines lol. It's all what you are used to riding.
me too... I am like a fish out of water on the flat...
1. salt water is unreal. i cannot believe the damage it can cause... ate the relay in my e-box in less then 24 hours. nasty.
2. bring a cart... bumming one sucks.
3. the ocean is unreal a bit intimidating - nothing like flatwater. i thought i was going to be able to go out there and tear it up.... wrong!
Get the RV AAA next time, i think its only a few more bucks and they tow up to a 100 miles or something for free and take care of the trailer alsoI learned that when the alternator gives out near Elizabeth City NC, AAA will not tow a car and trailer and it will cost a $35 hook up fee and $2 a mile from there for you to get it towed an hour or so.
Oh, and you will have to wait for 2 hours before the truck gets there to pick you up with no power in 30 degree weather.....
Oh, then you have to try doing th drive again the next day!
Oh, and when the weekend is over, it will all seem like it was worth it! Love the Daytona Freeride!!:wiggle:
the ocean is unreal a bit intimidating - nothing like flatwater. i thought i was going to be able to go out there and tear it up.... wrong!
Ill never forget my first trip to the Sea, and realized I was way outta my league, all before we were out from btween the jetties. What the new surf riders dont realize is how much the Atlantic can change, for apparently no reason. It is sometimes smooth, with nice 4 to 8 foot rolllers far apart, If possible that is when you newbies need to ride the surf, than you will know what stoked can't tell anyone that, they won't listen. Everyone figures it out on there own.
I personally love to hear flatwater guys say they're going to rip it up their first time out. They usually can't get past the shore break.