What motor do you need for backflip


makin' legs
Jetworks 62T/61X platform in a 85mil/6mil configuration + XFT + Virgin trim=
flatwater backy's. Wait till Crammit gets his trim and I will show how it's done
w/o a 1000cc motor.

84mm(domed:cool:) Anytime you get the balls to try(flatwater) you're welcome to try it on the XFT.:fing02:


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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how bad can it be if you don't make it around on a backy? keep ur feet in the tray and shove the pole away so the ski doesn't hit you...right? I've never even tried one, but what's the worst that can happen on a flatwater backy when ur maybe 3-5 feet up? I would think with a full face helmet you should be able to avoid major carnage. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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