What you talking about Willis?


What you talking about Willis? now thats just going to high light it more :fest30:


p00 started all this funny m@p! :stooges:
(so don't go acting all innocent-like now...:sneaky:)

Jo Ann Emerson, United States Representative of Missouri's 8th district, tried to explain the enthusiasm for Columbus in the United States as follows (8 Oct. 1999):

"How did a man, who had no idea that he had opened the door to our continent become such a prominent figure in our national conscience? After winning freedom from the King of England, America cut itself off from the Old World and its history. As a new republic, America essentially found itself without a national history. Americans were left to create a new shared national story and heros. While the Revolutionary leaders were the obvious choices for our historical heros, they believed being deemed so would be undemocratic.
Americans, searching for a history and a hero, discovered Columbus. In Columbus, our new nation found a symbol of fortitude, pioneerism and discovery from the distant past.
Like Columbus, our Founding Fathers and early patriots found a way to escape from the Old World. Just as Columbus challenged the unknown seas to find a New World, the American revolutionaries challenged the established order to found a new nation free from kings and full of new beginnings. Columbus the explorer embodied the spirit of American discovery and progress as 19th century American explorers such as Lewis and Clark sought out to discover our frontier and our pioneers settled the distant plains. And each of our own forefathers, who braved the unknown to immigrate across the seas throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, displayed a similar courage and determination as Columbus in finding freedom and opportunity in America."

(frightening she can't spell)

Puns continued:

I believe everyone has the opportunity to boat today!
some might sank Columbus,
Whereas others might thank God…
others will plank both!

Log off and GO VOTE!!! :unitedstates:


:haha::haha::haha: :Banane13:

I won with that post # 61 reference, I'll have you know...took out three of you at once I did!!! (three puns)!!

I won!!! :cheer: I won!!! :cheer: I won!!!:cheer:

WINNER!!! :bow28:

(I luv you guys, but you're just simply poisonous!) :saevil:

Don’t fall off of your ski only to tread in stagnant, shallow waters… (that’s where the dead zone is, :eek:uch:).
Your best waves will come from the depths of the sea (during a storm)!
Be brave young men, be brave (you’ll live longer…I personally promise you)! :shhh:
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