That's 26,000 lumens of Lithonia LED goodness right there. But remember, there's 108,000 lumens inside.
I'll mount it properly this afternoon after the guys clear all the ladders, trailer and unused material out of the way. I just set it in the window to see how much light it was going to throw. It was basically pointing straight out for these pics so it'll likely be even brighter once all the light is directed down instead of towards the house and yard.
I told my wife she'll be able to read the mail at the top of the driveway at midnight and she was not impressed.
Looking forward to having the shop done soon, at least the outside anyway. The cost to build right now has been crazy so I'm going to have to move in like it is and finish the inside myself over the next couple months. Every step has been 40% more expensive than what we were expecting, labor more-so than material.
I'm back on the road for the next 34 days so hopefully it will be full ypainted the next time I see it.