Where to get the best price for West Systems?

PM me. I might be able to help you out. I guarantee I can beat uscomposites. I'm not doing it for a profit either just trying to help some fellow members out. :sneaky:


makin' legs
PM me. I might be able to help you out. I guarantee I can beat uscomposites. I'm not doing it for a profit either just trying to help some fellow members out. :sneaky:

Your price is still higher than USCOMPOSITES. Especially since they changed your discount.:frown:



makin' legs
Are you sure about that. If you recall it came out to about 50% off retail. I know uscomposites probably doesn't charge retail, but do they discount it 50% off retail?

Your price on actual West Systems will be better, but their price on an equivalent epoxy will be better. 2 1/2 gallon kit of 4:1 epoxy is 89.50. Tough to beat for that price. Works well also.

Your price on actual West Systems will be better, but their price on an equivalent epoxy will be better. 2 1/2 gallon kit of 4:1 epoxy is 89.50. Tough to beat for that price. Works well also.


Yeah I agree with you on that, but if someone wanted West Systems I could definitely get them the best price on that. The hard part is shipping though. I don't know how I can legally ship it. :dunno:
us composit worked great on my ski. last year. i still have 4 gallons of epoxy nd still have expandable foam. great stuff to have around i woudnt sell it for anything. woudnt even think of using west system its kind of like a tnt chamber cost twice or 3 times amount. and doesnt work any better.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Sorry - for what we're using it for (skis), there is absolutely no difference in structural quality between West Systems and other stuff.

I had a lengthy discussion with the head honcho of Fiberlay about this.

Yay, it may look different - but make no mistake, performance is the same.

Here you go for a linky

There are only 3 big manufacturers in the world - the rest of the small fish make hardener (mostly).
It's all from the same bucket - how much you want to pay for a perceived difference is your business. :)
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I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
west system just lays out a little clearer but jease is there a markup for that .

The markup you pay is actually for their pump system, and the fact that everything in west marine is OUTRAGEOUS. But I have to admit, the pump system is tits. Sure, some of you pro fiberglass guys will say that's horse-fooey....weighing is more acurate blah-de-blah-blah. I say...whatever! Gang sign-esque W with my fingers and all.

Considering I end up painting, or adding pigment to my resin....I dont' give two turds about how clear it lays up.

Oh, and I feel bad for all you guys who have to mail order your glass supplies. I hit up a fiberglass supply place about a mile from my work. They stock their house brand epoxies and all sorts of variations of glass and matte, plus any supplies I might need. Suckers. :smile:
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