Custom/Hybrid Who else is glad they didnt buy a stunt hull?


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
On the topic of "cover ups"... I'd consider it more about fixing a problem and just not bothering to post about it instead of actually trying to cover up a flaw. You're not going to hear from the people who bought stroker motors when they replaced the rings... You just do it and continue riding. Now if you had the same problem happen a few times in a short time, you will probably make note of it to others.


NE Tenn
I would say the title of thread should say: "Who is glad they've never dealt with Dan/Highroller?", not "Who's glad they didn't buy a stunt?". I've ridden Waternut's enough to say that it's a nice "finished" product. It's always in transition since John is forever trying new options on his ski, but he has it setup so that it WANTS to get out of the water and in the air. He's running a 701 with sport porting and it is plenty capable of BF's, and rolls...with a rider better than me. All in all the stunt is a fine ski. The catch is that you have to put a TON of R&D in to get it correct. Not a problem if you know that going in. The bad press on here has forever doomed those who have one and want to sell them. However, I would be much more inclined to buy a used one that has had most of the bugs worked out and then it's simple fit and finish for the new owner to get it right. I have never owned an A/M hull, but when going from my RN to Waternuts stunt you can feel immediately that his setup is lighter and more nimble. You can buy nicer hulls for sure, but you know that you won't get any of those hulls or even kits for $1500...not even a top deck. I don't give one ounce of crap about Dan or his ski's, but for those who've invested time, money, blood, sweat, etc in stunts the bashing should take a back seat. Between Chad, Sanoman, Waternut, and NCBrock I think there is a template for how to get one done correct. I'd like to see someone push a stunt hull and see what it can and can't handle. Screw Dan (Highroller), but don't forget those who've bought his stuff are "one of us" not "one of them."

Another well thought out post!

l personally don't get offended when l see sooo many negative posts,but l must say that two of the posters on this thread just suck with your comments.How about l say your ski's suck and have never personally looked at them or rode them!!!! Bash Dan all you want,but the keep from acting like we were all a bunch of idiots for buying one!

And l feel better now.


Ride for life
North NJ
I'm glad you are saying something. When I bought my hull, the only things I could find regarding highroller were good. No one had really spoken up about his horrible products or reputation until a month or so after I put my money down. Had I known the reputation, I probably would've ended up doing a top deck conversion instead.

I posted that highroller & team bill/goose stuff was crap right from the beginning


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I posted that highroller & team bill/goose stuff was crap right from the beginning

I could've missed it but I plopped my money down on the hull in the initial stages when everyone was still drooling over the new concept. After a couple months, the truth started coming out and my only choice was to defend him and hope for the best since there was no way to back out or get my money back out of him. I obviously had to eat my words once I got the hull though.
Kudos on the hard work you guys put in. It's good you guys posted your builds up so others have the info they need to decide to go the stunt route or not. The concept of the ski is cool, stinks it was a trial to build it right. I bet any work to a SJ seems like a cake walk now haha.


Huntsville, AL
The reason you don't see people "bashing" or complaining about Trinity and others is because they TAKE CARE of their customers. Even if something does happen, they handle it.

It isn't some big secret or a conspiracy. You do business like you should and you don't have any negative feedback, no one expects anything to be perfect :twak:


This Is The Way
Staff member
The reason you don't see people "bashing" or complaining about Trinity and others is because they TAKE CARE of their customers. Even if something does happen, they handle it.

It isn't some big secret or a conspiracy. You do business like you should and you don't have any negative feedback, no one expects anything to be perfect :twak:
Totally agree BUT it seems to go as far as people specifically not saying that something broke regardless of if it was fixed or not. Not having this information gives off the impression that the hulls are indistructable (because nobody has heard of one breaking or will talk about it) then when somebody puts $6k+ into a hull and it does end up breaking they are stunned. I am not speaking from experience but these things are possible, IMO it seems like it would be better if people knew that yes they can break and yes they will be warrantied (to a certain extent), it helps people make a more educated purchase.
A buisness can't likely go FOREVER with no negative feedback, if anything that can be seen as negative feedback is covered up or pushed aside and not public knowledge the opinions could be greatly swayed towards negative when/if it does come out and the rest will likely come out at that time.
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NE Tenn
The reason you don't see people "bashing" or complaining about Trinity and others is because they TAKE CARE of their customers. Even if something does happen, they handle it.

It isn't some big secret or a conspiracy. You do business like you should and you don't have any negative feedback, no one expects anything to be perfect :twak:

Great point! Cause Dan is not been accountable to any of the "Stunt Hole" buyers!

"ARE YOU SEEING THIS DAN" !!!! Be accountable for your actions.....................................

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Totally agree BUT it seems to go as far as people specifically not saying that something broke regardless of if it was fixed or not. Not having this information gives off the impression that the hulls are indistructable (because nobody has heard of one breaking or will talk about it) then when somebody puts $6k+ into a hull and it does end up breaking they are stunned. I am not speaking from experience but these things are possible, IMO it seems like it would be better if people knew that yes they can break and yes they will be warrantied (to a certain extent), it helps people make a more educated purchase.
A buisness can't likely go FOREVER with no negative feedback, if anything that can be seen as negative feedback is covered up or pushed aside and not public knowledge the opinions could be greatly swayed towards negative when/if it does come out and the rest will likely come out at that time.

Then blame the owners of the ski's for not posting. If they don't, then none of us know. That is their choice. But to say people are covering up is ludicris. It is very possible for a business to go on with out ever getting Negative Feedback. It is acheivable by doing the right thing. Just because "X" part breaks, does not mean it is crappy service or work. And if the company that builds "X" product stands behind it and makes it right then why the need for negative feedback.

It seems that people always feel that there needs to be negative feedback when something goes wrong instead of trying to work it out with that business.


Huntsville, AL
The people that are usually the most vocal are the ones that are crapped on or not satisfied....not always the happy customers.

Hell on here if you are happy with your product and speak highly of it then it doesn't count cause you may be friends with them or something. You can't win.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Well back to the original topic...kind of. I am pretty happy with my stunt hull and certainly would not want to go back to stock.

The real question that someone asked me yesterday is... Would I do it all over again if given a second chance? To be totally honest, I really just don't know. There is no way I could get a similarly capable hull for the price I paid for the stunt. A top deck conversion is in the same price range but that isn't a plug and play mod. You still have to put a lot of effort into it and you get some of weight benefits but not all while you maintain some of the stock SJ benefits. So basically it's a compromise.

Given many months to think about it. IF and only IF I knew that the stunt hull would come in the condition that it did and I knew ahead of time what would be required, I would probably still buy another stunt hull. My biggest complaint was all the disception that came with the purchase. If I knew the hull would take 3-4 months to get to me and I knew I would have to invest some time in aligning everything and cleaning up imperfections, that wouldn't be a big deal. The problem was, we were led to believe that everything would be perfect and when it wasn't as expected, we were all disappointed and pissed off.

Going back to the "hot girl" example... Say you married a beautiful woman who did all the things you liked and was perfect for you in almost every way. Later you find out that she has medical conditions that she was hiding from you. Would you divorce her? The way I see it is, no. You might be a little let down but overall, you're still happy with her. That's about the best analogy I can think of for stunt hull ownership.
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