who thinks they can ride in this? Time sensitive

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
They kept saying 18-20' for today but I don't think it ever got that big. I went up to grand haven to get some pics of their lighthouse getting blasted and I'd bet they were in the 12-15' range. I'll post some pics once my computer is done processing them.

We went out last season on a 14' day and I thought it was a bit much. I personally enjoy the 7-10' range much better but I guess it's fun to say I did it. Getting 20 or so feet of air in a 50 knot gale tends to makes for a pretty tricky situation to ride out of. Not to mention, swimming through the break zone of 14' surf gets old pretty fast.

Tomorrow evening is supposed to be a little more reasonable at 6-10'. We will no doubt be out at port sheldon ripping it up...
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Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Here we go, this is Grand Haven's pier head at about noon today. The first 6 are all of the same wave...







There were probably about a dozen of us out there yesterday as they were starting to build. They were pretty nice 3-5's.
I went out with Monstersj last year in 12-16's. They were probably pretty similar to today. It was cool, but it was a mess. Definitely couldn't lose your boat.

Turbo, can't wait for the free beer. Glad I posted here.

Fro Diesel

creative control
There were probably about a dozen of us out there yesterday as they were starting to build. They were pretty nice 3-5's.
I went out with Monstersj last year in 12-16's. They were probably pretty similar to today. It was cool, but it was a mess. Definitely couldn't lose your boat.

Turbo, can't wait for the free beer. Glad I posted here.

I surprised they let you old guyz still ride. :bump:


Worst Freestyler Ever!
Awesome waves for Lake Michigan. I wish I lived closer to one of the Great Lake Coasts. Lake St Clair is OK with the right wind, but nothing like that.

I've been out on something like that on the west side of Lake Michigan near waukegen on my Ultra 150 (sitdown), but never on a standup.

TO those guys that live near the ocean commenting on these waves. Ocean waves are larger sure, but great lake waves like this are NASTY to ride. Ocean waves have a nice period between them. This is like riding through a washing machine. You mess up and just get pounded.


wave height is measured trough to crest by the bouys. total rise and fall so much as i know
i don't think it estimates the still water line
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this is from the noaa :
wave measurements are not directly measured by sensors on board the buoys. Instead, the accelerometers or inclinometers on board the buoys measure the heave acceleration or the vertical displacement of the buoy hull during the wave acquisition time.

i take that to mean trough to peak, same as the ocean though so he was partially correct.
i bet he just used the wrong term on accident .
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