I wear my lanyard on left bicep. Keeps it out of the way and is easy to find when needed quick in big surf . Never wear a lanyard on any wrist... IMO
I wear my lanyard on left bicep. Keeps it out of the way and is easy to find when needed quick in big surf . Never wear a lanyard on any wrist... IMO
kenny you have noing clue of what a wave will do to you. NO CLUE. dont talk about
you dont know about. in critical double to triple overhead west coast surf, your lanyard could kill you. chicken
my ass. im not saying dont use a lanyard at all, i dont see why you wouldnt use one at a lake but, when the waves are huge, you dont want to be stuck messing with it. i almost drowned my self messing with one.if you rode with us you would know there's no little kids running around on the beaches.... your analogy sounds like something a cop would say.
Gonna try that. I wear on my wrist and it gets caught around the bars at times. As for going with or without a lanyard I think people need to use their best judgement where THEY are riding... on a public lake with lots of boats of course you should use one, in your backyard pond by yourself go without who cares, in big surf maybe its smart not to have it so you don't get pulvarized. no sense in arguing over something that seems like common sense to me...