Who's SJ hits the hardest.

yamaslut said:
an observation:

I think a lot of the hosility comes from charlie being involved... Steve has and is capable of speaking for himself.

Granted Edwin and Steve have issues, but charlie making subtle comments designed to irritate and annoy edwin has only made the whole situation grow into what we have now. Edwin is at fault too for escalating it, but I would be annoyed if someone was poking into my business just because they were friends w/ someone that I had a disagreement w/.

am I way off hear???? If so, I apologise....

its so great that youre here to speak for edwin.

youre doing exactly what you accuse me of doing. and its not the first time.

dont be, yet another, hypocrite.

the ride was a great time. im sorry if i offended you by not being a dick at the ride. it doesnt mean you and your pal have to be ones here.

just chill
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