Other why dont the brothas ski?

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Ok so I conducted a survey today, spoke with my meter man, he's friends with my neighbor who just bought a sea-doo yesterday. I asked him if he was going to run the ski any (meter man who is black). His answer was Heeeeeeeeeelllllll naaaaa, I asked if he didn't like the water, he said he liked boats and had no problem with the water but he wont riding no ski. "Man I can't swim, I can get to the land if i had to but I wouldn't call it swimmin" lol
It's mostly an "associative" sport. Most black communities can't afford to, because most of them are from poor families living in poor communities, on welfare, that can barely make ends meet. The others from those particular communities that could afford it are too busy "slangin'" dope and droppin' twenny foe inch basedrumz on they eskalaidz, and attending meetings at the DHS just to continue their eligibility in receivin' they welfare checks. Not being racial, by any means. It's just the way it is.

Man you have no clue....


Lodi Cali
Well I can swim and ride an x2 so guess we just put that one to rest. Got a couple vids on YouTube to prove it search theaveryj

And occasionally there's a white guy who can dunk, but we don't say "were putting an end to white men can't jump". It's just not the common, nothing more, nothing less. Look at motocross before Bubba, he raised the bar right before he fell off his game.lol


Lodi Cali
I'm having a tough time seeing anything beneficial coming from posting that video? Like jetskiers don't have it bad enough, then we have people posting videos of themselves slamming docks and nearly slamming there head into the dock another time? Awesome. Yeah, don't ban jetskis from the waterways, we abide by the laws and are safe....... SMH
I'm having a tough time seeing anything beneficial coming from posting that video? Like jetskiers don't have it bad enough, then we have people posting videos of themselves slamming docks and nearly slamming there head into the dock another time? Awesome. Yeah, don't ban jetskis from the waterways, we abide by the laws and are safe....... SMH

It's our family boat dock was breaking any laws.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
completely off topic,

but this guys youtube comment cracked me up:

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
Man you have no clue....

Think what you want. The facts are they can't afford it, and the ones that can don't care about it enough to jack with it, because they're too busy doin' and slangin dope. I know and grew up around too many people from the projects to not know. It's already been mentioned numerous times in this thread that it's a cultural issue, and it is, plain and simple. These families are poor, "lower class" families, and they don't raise their kids the same way our parents raised us. It's that simple. They are brought up learning on their own how they're going to feed their faces, and because of their surroundings and influence, how they're going to sell dope and keep spinners on their escalades, not how to hold down a job and keep a ski on the water.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
I'm having a tough time seeing anything beneficial coming from posting that video? Like jetskiers don't have it bad enough, then we have people posting videos of themselves slamming docks and nearly slamming there head into the dock another time? Awesome. Yeah, don't ban jetskis from the waterways, we abide by the laws and are safe....... SMH

Kenny, if he was on a friggin' 100 ft. ladder, it would still be miles over his head.
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