Working w/JB Weld


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
Last night I filled in the OEM intake manifold crossover w/JB.:cool2: It came out well but there are a few low spots I want to go back & fill in. Question is, after roughing the existing JB Weld surface w/80 grit do I clean w/Acetone? I'm concerned it might soak into the JB Weld or soften it.


Limerick, PA
I dont know im probably the only person on this planet that has screwed up his JB weld every time I use it :banghead:

lol... good luck


makin' legs
Last night I filled in the OEM intake manifold crossover w/JB.:cool2: It came out well but there are a few low spots I want to go back & fill in. Question is, after roughing the existing JB Weld surface w/80 grit do I clean w/Acetone? I'm concerned it might soak into the JB Weld or soften it.

You can clean with acetone. Won't hurt anything. JB Weld is perfectly fine for use in your motor. Most Devcon formulations and JB weld are epoxies. Lots of motor builders use it.



Katie's Boss
100% one place
Read the Duel 44 observation thread in the drive section. It made all the difference in the world for the tune ability of my motor.



Not After Fame & Fortune
i had a cast iron motor block that a rod busted through the side of it.

i got the area milled flat and used devcon to butter a peice of aluminum over the hole.

worked great for over 3 years, then i sold it.

its pretty good stuff.


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
You could try it. Just be sure to clean the outside thoroughly, rough up w/sandpaper, reclean, then apply. Push a ~little~ bit though to help hold it on. Be aware that if you push too much through it may break off & be pushed back into the combustion chamber by the return wave of the pipe.:bigeyes:


JM781 Big Bore
Actually it is on an older ski that I am buying second hand. I doubt they would honor the warranty in that case. It's a tiny hole, so I figure JB Weld, furnace cement or high temperature duct tape and I'll be golden:Banane01:


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Call first. I think it is regardless of owner. FPP has one of the best warranty on parts out there!:Banane01: :woot: :cheer: :arms:

Better to get them to fix it if possible for future reasons.
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