Got any crackers?
I was just venting fella's. I understand things come up or something happens.
I am mostly frustrated because I called the shop the day after I placed the order just to be sure everything was O.K. So with that I got the impression the order would be shipping probally that day or very soon...Also considering the order was fresh on his mind since I called... The money has been out of my account but I havent gotten my stuff yet and what REALLY bugs me is not having a phone # to contact. I don't like emailing companies as they don't get the same attention as a phone conversation. More human.
I'll try calling tmrw.
I understand your frustration as I've felt shorted on service from a few vendors in the past. I personally have never made it public and it would be one of the last things I would do to any company, I suppose I am more understanding than others. I have had great results by reestablishing communications and finding out where the problem rests, even if it takes a little time and effort. It helps the vendor and you as the end-user. Nearly every problem I have had was resolved in my favor.
Jim at AJS is one of those who goes far to help on a personal level. He has helped me so many times and I think he deserves better. I'm tiring from seeing the short trigger being pulled before all lesser means have failed for any vendor.
The number of members flying off about poor service before exhausting their resources leaves me nearly speechless. If not receiving a part to complete a project is the worst anyone has had to endure, I applaud you. It just seems so petty and selfish to me.