I for one can relate to exactly where Butch is coming from. I have had the pleasure of knowing him for quite a few years. Butch has a Passion, as some are putting it, that few here can rival. Besides his bad business decisions, He has the good of the sport in his heart…… Unfortunately, He has experienced a bitter sting.
I myself felt that exact sting, about a year ago. When a very close friend turned against me, followed closely by the membership of this board. Yea, I was bitter too. But since that has happened, I look at this sport in a different light. I look at it for what it is.
There are many people here who are Unique. They go by the beat of a different drummer. At least on the water. What happens when they are at the keyboard is what bewilders me?
Everyone can be the best of friends when at a ride or event. But put them behind the screen & keyboard……. Here comes Jekyll & Hyde.
The X & many communities like it have similar problems. It’s a lack of respect for others. But in reality, that respect starts from within. Places like the X were created for the good of the topic at hand. They were created for a common bond for the enthusiast of the given topic. But as Gil put it, their personal passions cause drama…………….??
I’m not sure I agree totally. Drama can be good if it’s about the given topic or event.
But when Bitter conflicts take the main line…… That’s Bad, Very Bad!
It drags down all the positive efforts of the community at large.
This, I feel is what Butch’s topic is emphising.
I see many posts where someone tries to answer a question, without having any idea of what the real solution to the problem is. Thus causing the original person more turmoil in his quest for a solution. Or, someone asks a simple opinion question, only to be bombarded with negative feedback. Do those responses do any good for what this site represents?? Does it do any good for the guy who is just trying to enjoy his new found hobby?? Think about these things before you post! And, as on the submit button…. “BE RESPECTFUL”
In late fall 05; I had a vision with the sale of pwct that was to create a site for the stand-up enthusiast. I started the ball rolling & enlisted the help of two very close friends to become partners in this new venture. Thus the X was born. Today, the X has evolved into the première site for the stand-up enthusiast. It has gone world wide, & has over 4000 members to date. Pretty good for a couple of guys who just love to ride!
I’m extremely proud of it’s accomplishments & how the membership can take a sport to new levels…… That positive role is what I envisioned in its conception.
The X can & will continue to grow with POSITIVE support of all its members. The key role here is Positive! Think before you hit the submit button. Your opinion has more power than you know.
Yesterday, I totally enjoyed my day. For the first time all summer, a special group of very good friends & family took to the lake. We had a blast! You know what; there is more to life than being behind your keyboard worrying about crap like this……. Go out & Ride!
Ski ya, Paul